Welcome to the Advances in Health Care Sciences Conference 2020
Conference is hosted by the Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku. Conference theme for the year 2020 is Personalised Health Care.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic conference will be organised as an online conference via Zoom.
Conference dates: 11-12 November 2020
You can email us at healthconf2020@utu.fi.
Save the dates
Call for Abstract deadline | 16 August 2020 |
Abstract Acceptance Letter | 14 September 2020 |
Registration deadline | 31 October 2020 |
Electronic poster submission deadline | 2 November 2020 |
Online conference is free of charge. Registration deadline was 31 Oct 2020.
Abstract submission
Doctoral candidates in health care sciences are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentation with 10 minutes oral presentation for the Advances in Health Care Sciences Conference. Abstracts will be evaluated and you will be notified about your abstract acceptance.
Abstract submission guidelines
PhD candidates are free to submit their abstract according to their self-chosen topic based on their doctoral research. The general instructions are as follows:
- Abstract must be written in English.
- Abstracts should be formatted as follows: Title (maximum 125 characters without spaces), Authors (academic degree, university, country), Body text (max 1800 characters without spaces), no references needed.
- The structure of the Body text should be as follows: Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion.
- Abstract should be free from jargon, abbreviations and ’shorthand’.
All abstracts should be submitted online via Webropol form. Please, follow the detailed instructions given in the submission system when submitting your abstract. You will receive a short automatic reply confirming receipt of your abstract. Please, contact healthconf2020@utu.fi if you do not receive this confirmation.
Deadline for submitting abstracts is 16 August 2020.
Poster and presentation guidelines
- Create your e-poster in for example PowerPoint
- E-poster proportions should be widescreen 16:9 (horizontal/landscape), preferred minimum size 1920 x 1080 pixels (if an image)
In PowerPoint, go to ”Design” tab, choose ”Slide Size” button and select ”Widescreen (16:9)” - Be sure to use big enough font size
Suitable font size depends on the size (not proportions) of your slide - Electronic poster is a one page poster presentation of your abstract
- E-posters should be sent by email in PDF format to Anna Mäkinen anna.makinen@utu.fi by 2 Nov 2020
- E-poster presentations include 10 minutes oral presentations followed by 5 minutes discussion
- During your presentation our session chair will share your one slide/page presentation on the screen for all session participants to see
Example of a e-poster to be presented at the conference (click to enlarge):
09:30-10:00 | Registration via Zoom |
10:00-10:20 | Welcome to the Conference
10:30-11:30 | Poster session 1 |
11:30-11:45 | Break |
11:45-12:45 | Poster session 2 |
12:45-14:00 | Break |
14:00-14:45 | Keynote: Hospital biobank samples and data supporting personalized health care Merja Perälä, PhD, Project Manager, Auria Biobank |
14:45-15:15 | Break |
15:15-16:15 | Poster session 3 |
16:20-17:00 | Keynote: Implications of artificial intelligence in nursing Laura-Maria Peltonen PhD, Clinical Lecturer, Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku |
17:30- | Social programme via Zoom |
08:45-08:55 | Welcome to the 2nd day of the Conference |
09:00-9:30 | Keynote: Educational researcher and development in Europe Cécile Dury, President of the Federation of European Nurse Educators (FINE) |
09:45-10:45 | Poster session 4 |
10:45-11:15 | Break |
11:15-12:30 | Poster session 5 |
12:30-13:30 | Break |
13:30-14:30 | Keynote: Spatial Analysis in Personalised Health Care Amanda Lee, PhD, Associate Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Hull, UK |
14:30-14:45 | Awards for the best poster |
14:45-15:00 | Closing the conference |
Schedule for poster sessions
- Schedule for the poster sessions (pdf)
updated 12 Nov 2020
Please see this password protected page (password in Welcome letter) of the programme with Zoom links. Zoom links are meant only for participants who have registered to the conference. By limiting the access to the links we try to protect the links from bots and other misusers.
Guide for presenters
Note! Instructions have changed: as a presenter you will not be required to share your screen to present your poster. Our session chairs will take care of sharing your presentation for session participants to see.
As a presenter it is your duty to be in the right Zoom session when your presentation time is, and to present your work. Our session chair will share your presentation via screen share for session participants to see while you tell about your research. Please make sure you deliver your one slide/page poster to us before the deadline (instructions under the title ”Poster and presentation guidelines”).
When your presentation time comes, session chair will introduce you to the audience and share your presentation via screen share. Now you can turn on your webcamera, microphone and start keeping your presentation. Once your presentation and discussion is over, close your webcamera and mute your microphone.
It is highly recommended to use a desktop or laptop computer to participate the conference. Mobile devices work too, but due to presentations being posters containing more than just few bulletins of information it is recommended to use a device with as large screen as possible.
Due to updates in Zoom privacy and security settings a waiting room setting is likely enabled. When you follow a link to a parallel session you will see a notification saying that please wait for the host to admit you to the session. Please wait there and the session will open once the host has started the meeting and has admitted participants into the session. Note that the parallel sessions are accessible only during the scheduled time.
Guide for participants
As a participant you are adviced to follow the programme. Programme will be sent by email to all participants and likely to be updated on the conference website too. Follow the programme and join the sessions of your choice. There is a separate Zoom link for each parallel session and one link for each day’s Main session.
The main room is for keynote presentations and start/end of the day programme. In the main room webcamera and microphone usage is disabled for participants. Nevertheless you are free to comment the presentations using the text chat option. Session chair will follow the chat and discuss your comments with the presenters.
In parallel sessions you are able to use your webcamera and microphone. However, to ensure the best possible quality connection it is important to have your webcamera off and microphone muted when presentation is ongoing. After each presentation there will be time for discussion. Type “I have a question/Comment” to the chat and wait for the host to give out turns. When it is your turn you are free to set your webcamera on, unmute your microphone and ask questions/comment the presentation.
It is highly recommended to use a desktop or laptop computer to participate the conference. Mobile devices work too, but due to presentations being posters containing more than just few bulletins of information it is recommended to use a device with as large screen as possible.
Due to updates in Zoom privacy and security settings a waiting room setting is likely enabled. When you follow a link to a parallel session you will see a notification saying that please wait for the host to admit you to the session. Please wait there and the session will open once the host has started the meeting and has admitted participants into the session. Note that the parallel sessions are accessible only during the scheduled time.
Data protection statement
1. Name of the register
Advances in Health Care Sciences Conference 2020 – abstract submission
2. The identity and contact information of the data controller
University of Turku
Address: University of Turku, FI-20014
Email: kirjaamo@utu.fi
Telephone: +358 29 450 5000 (operator)
3. Contact information of the Data Protection Office
Email: DPO@utu.fi Further information: www.utu.fi/dpo
4. Contact information for matters regarding the use of the register
University of Turku
Department of Nursing Science
Heli Virtanen, email: hetuvi@utu.fi
5. Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data
The purpose of this register is to store the contact information of persons who have sent an abstract via Webropol to Advances in Health Care Sciences Conference 2020 and data related the presenter.
The data collected from the abstract submission will be utilised in implementing the agreement that has formed through submission, especially in communication related to the event and directing individual services to the registered persons. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is set by an agreement that is formed between the data controller and the data subject through the submission.
6. Personal data in the privacy notice
Personal data is collected from persons who submit abstracts and the possible presenters of the abstracts. The data that is being collected is name, email, title and organisation.
7. Recipients and recipient groups of personal data
Registered data can be disclosed to stakeholder groups of the event (for example the organisers or instructors of the programme related to the event).
8. Information on transferring data to third countries
Personal data related to the abstract submissions will not be disclosed to parties outside the EU or the European economic region.
9. Retention period of personal data
Personal data and other registration data related to the abstract submission is stored in the register for 1 year after the end of the conference.
10. Rights of the data subject
The data subject has the right to access their personal data retained by the Data Controller, the right to rectification or erasure of data, and the right to restrict or object the processing of data, and the right to transfer the data from one controller to another. The data subject has the right to make a complaint with the supervisory authority. The contact person in matters regarding the rights and obligations of the data subject is the Data Protection Officer, whose contact information is listed at the beginning of the privacy notice.
11. Is there an obligation to provide personal data that is based on legislation or an agreement, or required in order to form an agreement, and does the data subject have to provide personal information, and are there any consequences for not providing said data
If the data subject does not provide required data regarding the abstract submission, the data controller cannot accept the registration of the data subject or commit to the agreement between the data controller and the data subject regarding the abstract submission.
12. Information on the source of personal data
Registered data is acquired from the data subject through their abstract submission.
13. Information on the existence of automatic decision-making, including profiling
Registered data will not be used for automatic decision-making or profiling.
14. Principles of protection of the register
The register data is stored according to the best practices, good information security and legislative regulations so that it is protected from external parties. The register is protected with user identification and passwords as well as structural and group-specific authorisation. The personal data registers can be accessed only by members of personnel who require the use of personal data for performing their work tasks.