Human Diversity
Human Diversity focuses on cutting-edge research on how human contacts and communication networks influence material and immaterial culture, genes, disease burden, transgenerational effects and evolutionary fitness of people. We tackle the following questions: How did past contacts and communication networks induce current human diversity, and how will society be prepared for future changes in diversity?
Human Diversity is funded by the Academy of Finland (Profi7) and links to the University of Turku’s strategic research and education profile “Cultural memory and social change”.
New seminar series: Current Trends in Human Diversity
FM Susanna Ukonaho defends her dissertation in Biology on Friday 14 June
Origin and spread of malaria
Reenactment aims to feel rather than know history The value of experimental archaeology is well-known. But what about reenactment? What kind of insights may be collected? New studies...
Uuden aikakauden arkeologit tutkivat menneisyyden monimuotoisuutta uusin menetelmin Sabrina Imblerin Defectoriin kirjoittamassa perusteellisessa artikkelissa käsitellään uuden aikakauden arkeologeja, jotka tutkivat menneisyyden monimuotoisuutta uusien menetelmien ja teorioiden avulla. Haastateltavana...
Luihin ja ytimiin -kirja kertoo Suomen Stonehengeksikin kutsutusta Euran Luistarista Euran Luistari on yksi Suomen suurimmista arkeologisesti tutkituista paikoista. Se tunnetaan Euran muinaispuvun ohella erityisesti rikkaista viikinkiajan löydöistä, joihin kuuluu...