Publications and other activities



  • Laura Hollsten: What is a tick? Scientific, public and popular knowledge about ixodes Ricinus.  European Society for Environment History ESEH, Bristol 5.7.2022.
  • Otto Latva: Ticks in the Finnish public discourse from the late nineteenth century to the late twentieth century. European Society for Environment History ESEH, Bristol 5.7.2022.
  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: Ticks and companion animals: The entangled and debated relations of humans, ticks and companion animals in private and public discourses. European Society for Environment History ESEH, Bristol 5.7.2022.
  • Tuomas Räsänen: From Nuisance to Risk: Humans and Ticks in the Changing Northern Environment. European Society for Environment History ESEH, Bristol 5.7.2022.
  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: Tick habits. Entangeled everyday habits of humans, companion animals and ticks during the tick season. Nordiska etnolog- och folkloristkongress, Reykjavik 15.6.2022.
  • Otto Latva: The Changed Perceptions of Ticks in the Finnish Public Discussion. Humans, Ticks and Insects in Multispecies Networks- Workshop, Presentation, 18.3.2022.
  • Laura Hollsten: The changing life history of ticks. Public, popular and private knowledge about Ixodes Ricinus. Humans, Ticks and Insects in Multispecies Networks- Workshop, Presentation, 18.3.2022.
  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: Ticks and health. Practices of protection. Humans, Ticks and Insects in Multispecies Networks- Workshop, Presentation, 18.3.2022.
  • Tuomas Räsänen: Humans, Ticks and the Conflict over Cervids, Humans, Ticks and Insects in Multispecies Networks- Workshop, Presentation, 18.3.2022.
  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: When Nature Becomes a Risk. Everyday Practices and Adaptation in Private and Public Discources About the Relation Between Humans, Ticks, Companion Animals and Nature. Presentation at SIEF2021 Conference 22.6.2021
  • Otto Latva: The Shared History of Humans and the Baltic Sea Marine Life. Presentation in the “STREAMS – Transformative Environmental Humanities” conference. Stockholm (online event), 5.8.2021.
  • Otto Latva: Puutiaisten ja ihmisten välinen kulttuurinen ja historiallinen suhde (The Cultural and Historical Relationship of Humans and Ticks). Presentation in the “Mörk ö” event. Kustavi, 14.11.2020.
  • Otto Latva: Ihmisten ja eläinten jaettua menneisyyttä Suomen meri- ja rannikkoalueilla (The Shared Past of Humans and Animals in the Finnish Sea and Coastal Areas). Presentation in the  Environmental History Day of Finland. University of Helsinki, 13.10.2020.
  • Otto Latva: Ihmisen historiallinen suhde Itämeren eläimiin ja ympäristöön (The Historical Relationship of Humans with the Baltic Animals and the Environment). Presentation in the seminar of the Baltic Sea Day, Forum Marinum, Turku 27.8.2020.
  • Otto Latva: Human-Tick Relationship in the changing Northern environment. Presentation in the Aquagraphy symposium, University of Tampere 5.3.2020.
  • Laura Hollsten: The Very Big and the Very Small: Big History, the Anthropocene and the Tick, Presentation in the “Ilmastopyörre, Metsä – Ilmasto – Aika” event, Helsinki 6.4.2017.


  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: Kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på djur – människa. Course within Cultural Analysis given at Åbo Akademi University, 5 ECTS, Spring 2022.
  • Sanna Lillbroända-Annala: Människor och andra djur. The teaching is part of a course named Historieteori (Theories in History) given within History at Åbo Akademi University, 5 ECTS, Spring 2022.
  • Otto Latva (teacher): Sea, Nature and Finnish Culture course. The course is a part of the Finnish Culture and Society Non-Degree Program at the University of Turku, 5 ECTS, Autumn 2020.

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