"The Digital Aurora Borealis" by Trey Ratcliff is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/stuckincustoms/6495437857)

Justice in Digital Spaces


The objective of JuDiCe is to pave the way for a new framework of justice combining the data and the spatial dimension.
Data and space require a novel understanding of our so-called ‘data-doubles’. Data-doubles are the copies of ourselves that cruise independently in the digital space. The main question JuDiCe asks is how our data-doubles affect our everyday life in the physical, urban space.
In terms of impact, JuDiCe’s ambition is to respond to the future problems of justice generated in the blended (physical/digital) urban environments.
JuDiCe is developed across science of space (geography) and justice (law) and brings together in a novel way the human, the spatio-legal, and the technological dimensions.

The Research Council of Finland project JuDiCe is located at the Faculty of Law, University of Turku, within the newly founded research environment “Law, Space and Justice” and the Faculty’s Focal Point “Law, Society, and Power”. The project is led by Dr. Miriam Tedeschi. It runs from 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2025.

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