Law, Space and Justice
Law, space and justice is a social justice-oriented multidisciplinary research environment at the Turku Law Faculty. Gathering researchers from a variety of backgrounds such as law and society, legal geography, feminist and queer theory, we host discussions, workshops, seminars and other events. We strive to push disciplinary boundaries and to create a caring academic space where multiple perspectives and experiences are welcome.

Humouring the norm: Law and Comedy conference 08.12.2024 10:00 - 18:15
On Sunday, December 8th, 2024 the conference Humouring the Norm: Law and Comedy will take place at Cardozo School of...

Exhibition ‘Law unchained’ from the course ‘Law & Art’: As it happened Course Description The Law & Art course offers an exploratory approach to legal education. Open to all students looking for...

Law & Art Course Exhibition: Law Unchained 21.11.2024 17:00
The Law & Art course exhibition Law Unchained will take place on the 21st of November 2024 at 17.00. The...

Book discussion with Jules Rochielle Sievert 18.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00
Jules Rochielle Sievert will visit the Faculty of Law at the end of November! They are Creative Director, NuLawLab, and...