Miriam Tedeschi
Dr. Miriam Tedeschi is a Researcher at the Faculty of Law and Docent in human geography at the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku. She draws on non-representational theories and new materialism, and through these lenses she has been studying spatio-legal phenomena. More info on the UTU website.
Daniela Alaattinoğlu
Dr Daniela Alaattinoğlu is Assistant Professor in law at the University of Turku. Her research and teaching focuses on socio-legal studies, human rights, comparative public law, criminal law and legal writing. In her work, she is particularly interested in how law works as a tool of inclusion and exclusion. More info on the UTU website.
Aleida Luján-Pinelo

Yulia Dergacheva
I am Yulia Dergacheva, a doctoral researcher in University of Turku and a project researcher for MobileFutures research consortium. My research field is sexual harassment. I am especially interested in bringing new materialist approaches to research of gender-based violence.
Juho Aalto

Amalia Verdu Sanmartin
I am a post-doc fellow in Law at the Turku Institute for Advance Research Studies (TIAS), at the University of Turku. My research and teaching interest is on legal thought and the ways is transmitted through legal education. I explore different modes of thinking that might help to identify exclusionary legal knowledge and practices with a focus on gender, feminist, and queer theories. More info on the UTU website.
Mika Viljanen
Mika Viljanen is Professor of private law at the University of Turku. In 2008, he defended his dissertation on quantifying damages in torts and for breach of contract. Since that he has retained an interest in traditional private law themes, including contract and torts, but migrated towards working primarily on financial regulation and regulatory theory. During the last few years, he has developed an interest in tracing the relationship between law and technology, in particular in autonomous contexts. More info on the UTU website.
Sanni Nieminen
Sanni Nieminen is a doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku. Her research focuses on rural criminology. Nieminen is especially interested in studying the perceptions and challenges of rural crime control. Her research uses multidisciplinary approaches from legal, socio-legal, spatio-legal, and criminological perspectives.