
Below is a summary of the schedule for the Citizens’ Assembly on Energy. Please note that the schedule may be updated or modified closer to the event.

Wednesday, 29.1. 17-20 (Zoom)
Orientation Session and Introduction to Finland’s Energy System

Introduction to the Citizens’ Assembly and working guidelines
Expert presentations on Finland’s energy system, Group discussions, Citizens’ Assembly questions for experts

Saturday, 1.2. 10-17 (Helsinki, Sokos Hotel Tripla)
Theme: Demand Response and Regulatory Measures

Discussion on the current state of Finland’s energy system and small group discussions
In the morning, a presentation by experts on demand response and in the afternoon a presentation on KAISU’s actions and the estimated impact of these actions.
Q&A with experts, small group discussions, and gathering arguments
Program ends at approximately 5:00 PM
Dinner provided by the Citizens’ Assembly for participants at 6:15 PM

Sunday, 2.2. 9-15 (Helsinki, Sokos Hotel Tripla)
Theme: Energy Poverty and Energy Advice

Expert presentations on energy poverty and energy advice
Small group discussions, Citizens’ Assembly questions for experts and gathering collective arguments
Lunch provided by the Citizens’ Assembly for participants
Program ends at approximately 3:00 PM

Wednesday, 12.2. 17-20 (Zoom)
Prioritizing the Situational Overview

Small group work to update and prioritize situational overviews
Program ends at approximately 8:00 PM

Saturday, 15.2. 10-17 (Helsinki, Sokos Hotel Tripla)
Small group discussions on demand response, KAISU measures, and energy poverty

Refining and prioritizing preliminary arguments for the statement
Presentation and discussion of arguments with the full Citizens’ Assembly
Program ends at approximately 5:00 PM
Dinner provided by the Citizens’ Assembly for participants at 6:15 PM

Sunday, 16.2. 9-15 (Helsinki, Sokos Hotel Tripla)
Small group discussions on energy advice and drafting the statement

Refining and prioritizing preliminary arguments
Presentation of the draft statement to the full Citizens’ Assembly and discussion
Lunch provided by the Citizens’ Assembly for participants
Finalizing and editing the statement
Closing remarks and guidance for participants
Program ends at approximately 3:00 PM