Centre for the Study of Language and Wellbeing

Kielen ja hyvinvoinnin tutkimuskeskus
Centrum för forskning om språk och välfärd

Centre for the Study of Language and Wellbeing LaWe aims at supporting, advancing and drawing attention to research that focuses on the interconnection between wellbeing and language. In addition, it intends to enhance applications of this kind of research in ways that serves and improves our societies. We approach wellbeing in a broad sense; in our view the relevance of language and interaction for wellbeing could be considered for example in the role language and interaction plays in identity formation, health, schooling, culture and diversity, social relationships, social participation, access to goods, resources and power, and the relationship between the society and the environment. The Centre is multidisciplinary and has an open policy regarding its databases and methods.

Research Centre LaWe aims at creating a high-quality network for professionals who are working on areas related to the interconnection of language and wellbeing. LaWe gathers researchers interested in our research areas in order to create a collective which is more visible and has better opportunities for being recognized than individual researchers or smaller research units. The Centre aims at enhancing the interaction between researchers at various stages of their career, e.g. PhD candidates and scholars at the post-doctoral level, and it also intends to nurture the identities of its researchers as specialists in this area. In addition, LaWe supports networking, training and the production and dissemination of knowledge by organizing presentations, lectures, seminars, workshops, and other academic events. LaWe also seeks to build active research collaboration with organizations in the public and the third sector.One of the goals set by LaWe is to promote publishing in high quality academic journals. In accordance with its funding possibilities, LaWe organizes data sessions and writing retreats.

The Research Centre LaWe is actively applying for funding to support its operation. LaWe  communicates its activities to the public for example via the web and social media.

Joining the e-mail list and acquiring membership is available via the following link: