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LifeFactFuture (LFF) is a large consortium project including research teams at the University of Turku and the University of Helsinki, as well as some of Finland’s leading life science manufacturers, data and technology companies. Project is funded by Business Finland during 2024–2026.
The goal of the collaboration is to speed up the introduction of digital solutions and more efficient utilization of data and to make Finland the most attractive place in the world for investments in data-driven life science manufacturing.
Latest News
LifeFactFuture project offers fresh insights and innovative solutions to Revvity Us at Revvity chose to join the LifeFactFuture (LFF) consortium to gain fresh insights and innovative solutions from our industry...
Accelerating digital transformation in the pharmaceutical and life science industry in Finland The goal of the co-creation project, led by the University of Turku, is to develop solutions that will secure the...
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