Conference program/sessions
A presentation about the 100-year history of geography in Turku will be looping in the digital showroom throughout the Geography Days. The slideshow is in Finnish and its total duration is approximately 5 minutes.
Thursday 31.10
- 9:00 Opening (Cave)
- 9:15 Keynote (Cave)
Professors Steve Darby and Julian Leyland ”Mining the Mekong: The physical and human consequences of sand extraction.” - 10:15 Coffee (lobby)
- 10:30 Parallel Sessions 1 (different locations)
- 12:00 Lunch (Ravintola Mauno)
- 13:00 Parallel sessions 2 (different locations)
- 14:15 Coffee (lobby)
- 14:45 Granö symposium – The next 100 years (Cave)
- 16-18 Posters, PICOs and cheers ‘n’ beers (lobby)
- 19:00 Dinner (Radisson Blu Marina Palace)
Parallel sessions 1 (10:30-12:00)
All session abstracts available
Cave | Putous | Koski | Workshop |
Session 1.1. Urban Planning and Participatory technologies (Klonner & Fagerholm) | Session 1.2. Rural Development and Communities (Albrecht & Rantanen) | Session 1.3. Technologies in Environmental Management (Gonzales-Inca & Käyhkö) | Session 1.4. Culture and Identity (Kotila & Roose) |
Klonner et al.: Usability of 3D tools developed for communicative urban planning | Horlu: Impacts of crop and income diversification on poverty and inequality among rural farm households in Ghana | Gonzales-Inca: Advances in AI and GeoAI applications in geographical and environmental modeling | Pekkarinen & Reust: Cultural voyage in East Greenland connecting two indigenous peoples from opposite ends of the world |
Fagerholm et al.: 3D digital environments for transformative landscape and urban planning | Kafle & Panta: Compatibility of Agriculture Development Policy of Nepal to Sustainable Agriculture Development Principles | Alho et al.: Digital Water Flagship – digital solutions for hydrosphere processes and river management | Marjanen et al.: Generational Shifts in Fashion Consciousness: Implications for Retailers and City Planners |
Malekzadeh et al.: Urban Attractiveness According to ChatGPT: Contrasting AI and Human Insights | Strandén & Lehtonen Exploring Rural Policy Through Text Mining: A Finnish Case Study | Käyhkö et al.: Digital social innovations fostering transformation of education and learning in the universities – lessons learnt from the GeoICT4e and the Tanzania Resilience Academy | Jämsä et al.: Eudaimonic wellbeing and nature – outlining possibilities for collaboration in urban planning |
Klein et al.: Access to travel greenery and its temporal variations across large European cities | Rantanen: How housing policy is perceived in municipalities losing population? | Msilanga et al.: Climate Risk Database (CRD) – a model for collaborative geospatial data ecosystem supporting transformative climate actions in Sub-Saharan African cities | Kotila: Moving out of the childhood home: Emotions, embodiment, and young adults’ home-making practices |
Aaltonen et al.: Developing novel geospatial and community-based methods for climate risk mapping and management in complex urban socio-ecological systems | Albrecht & Kortelainen: The place strikes back: Visionary planning, local translations and materialization realities of urbanism in small town planning | Ruez: Queer migrations and (dis)placing pride in Helsinki and Copenhagen |
Parallel sessions 2 (13:00-14:15)
All session abstracts available
Cave | Putous | Koski | Workshop |
Session 2.1. Natural Resources and Environmental Policies (Pratiwi & Leino) | Session 2.2.Geodiversity and Ecosystems (Mäkinen & Alibakhshi) | Session 2.3. Sustainability and Circular Economy (Oinas & Kiviaho) | Session 2.4. Urban Economy, Innovations and Knowledge (Hautala & Kalliomäki) |
Leino: Understanding multiscalar justice claims, accelerating a just transition – an example of contested critical minerals | Mäkinen et al.: Societal impact of murtoos | Hynni: Miksi Varsinais-Suomen maatilat eivät siirry kiertotalouteen? Esteet ja ratkaisut | Wingström: Exploring XR Technologies in Knowledge Creation: Enhancing Urban Planning and Citizen Engagement through Virtual Reality |
Pratiwi et al.: Stakeholders’ interest, networks and power in Indonesian palm oil governance and responses to EU Deforestation Regulation | Blåfield: Insights on sediment connectivity under changing hydroclimatic conditions | Savolainen et al.: Mahdoton kiertotalousmurros? Rakentamisen kiertotalouspolitiikan toimeenpano suomalaisissa kaupungeissa | Hautala et al.: Being(s) There(s): Geographies of knowledge creation as and through avatars, telepresence robots, and holograms |
Kettunen-Matilainen: The palm oil debate: European NGOs as stakeholders in the policy dialogue | Alibakhshi: Are we missing the full picture of forest climate regulation? The critical microclimate effects of deforestation beneath the canopy | Oinas & Ilola: Kyläkansalaisuus ja kylän tulevaisuus: Kollektiivinen toiminta ja sen haasteet Kemijärven Tapionniemessä | Inkinen: Spatial Creativity in Helsinki: The Dance House as a Model for Urban Renewal |
Järvi & Joronen: Breathing the atmospheres of failure: generators, pollution and negligence in Beirut | Ylönen: Digitalizing catchment scale snow monitoring in boreal landscapes | Kiviaho & Hyyryläinen: Maaseutumaisten kuntien mahdollisuudet kestävyyssiirtymässä | Kalliomäki et al.: Why and how scale matters in mission-oriented innovation policy? Role of cities in systemic policy implementation |
Friday 1.11
- 9:00 Keynote (Cave)
Professor Tine Béneker ”Powerful geography for schools: the perspective of academic geographers” - 10:00 Coffee (lobby)
- 10:30 Parallel sessions 3 (different locations)
- 12:00 Closing (Cave)
Parallel sessions 3 (10:30-12:00)
All session abstracts available
Cave | Putous | Koski |
3.1. Geography education (He & Tani) | 3.2. Economic and Political Transformations (Hooli & Lehtonen) | 3.3. Social justice (Lyytinen & Gadd) |
Mäntyoja: Possibilities and Limitations of Learning in Zoom, On-Campus, and VR – Students’ Experiences of Hybrid Learning Spaces | Gómez: The emergence of investment hubs in emerging economies: Insights from the ICT sector in Medellín, Colombia | Lyytinen: Aging in exile – Methodological and ethical reflections |
Pellikka et al.: Insights into students’ essay-writing skills based on sentiment analysis (Artificial Intelligence) with large-scale national geography exams | Hooli & Humalisto: Subordinating development co-operation to private sector investments: Insight from Finnish development policy | Gadd & Ubeis: ‘I must care about the reputation of my family. This is very important to me’: An exploration of factors affecting Iraqi women’s access to justice |
Vainikka & Kallio: Empathy in climate mobility education: Methodological reflections from Greek and Finnish primary schools | Lehtonen et al.: Measuring Municipal Resilience: A Comparative Analysis of Crisis Impacts Using Monthly Data | Marucco Al-Mimar: Ending refugeehood? Lived experiences, relationality and the role(s) of geographers |
He: The role of Visual Representations in Developing Powerful Knowledge through Upper Secondary Geography Textbooks | Kurikka: EU Funded Regional Development Projects – Gaps Between Policies and Practices | Kuusisto: Nyt riitti! Radikaalin hoivan etiikan puolustus |
Hilander: Visuaaliset aineistot lukion maantieteen oppikirjoissa | Humalisto & Virnes: Efficiency in climate finance: empirical insights from civil society climate action | Vainikka: Attitudinal landscapes of climate; roadmaps to manage equitable decarbonisation of housing |
Tani: The role of knowledge in geography education? Methodological design of a research process |