Posters, Picos and Cheers ‘n’ Beers!
Posters, Picos* and Cheers ‘n’ Beers! Join the pre-dinner networking event in 31.10 at Joki visitor center and present your research, project, or research group at the ”Evening of Exploration: Posters, Picos and Cheers ‘n’ Beers!”. This slot includes short Pico presentations, posters, stakeholder booths and research group introductions. And let’s not forget snacks and drinks! This is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and to catch up with your fellow geographers in a more social way than during traditional oral presentations.
Students: This is a great opportunity to present your own research projects like BSc and MSc thesis results and get feedback from others.
*PICO presentation consists of a 2-minute oral presentation summarizing your poster, prepared to a given template.
PICO instructions
All PICO presentations will be held at the beginning of the Cheers ‘n’ Beers – Picos and Posters session in the lobby of the Joki Visitor Center on Thursday, 31st October, starting at 16:00. After the PICOs, all presenters go to their posters to continue the discussion with the audience.
A PICO presentation is divided into two parts: a two-minute introductory presentation that summarises the research, followed by a discussion session at the poster where the presenter can provide more details. PICO presenters are required to: 1) prepare a presentation file summarising the research for the two-minute introduction (recommended to be no more than 2-3 slides, exceeding the 2-minute time limit will result in being cut off), and 2) create a poster that presents the research in greater detail (please follow the provided poster guidelines below). The PICO presentation slides must be sent to the session chairs no later than 30.10.24. Please send the slides either as PowerPoint or PDF to Karoliina Lintunen ( Please set up your poster on the assigned poster board with your name and title between 12:30 and 15:30 on Thursday, October 31st. Your PICO presentation time will be communicated to you via email closer to the event.
Poster instructions
The Cheers ‘n’ Beers – Picos and Posters session is held at the lobby of the Joki Visitor Center on Thursday 31st of October from 16 to 18. There you will find a poster board with your name and title at the top. Poster presenters are required to be available in the lobby for the entire duration of the session. Keep in mind that there is space for two posters on the same side of the poster board, four in total on the same board. Be considerate of others and the presenter next to you. Please set up your poster on the assigned poster board with your name and title between 12:30 and 15:30 on Thursday, October 31st, so the poster session can begin promptly at 16:00.
Please follow these instructions when creating your poster for Geography Days:
- Poster size A0, 841 x 1189 portrait. You can use a poster template of your choice.
- Place the title of your poster clearly at the top to allow viewers to easily identify your poster.
- Indicate the authors’ names and present authors’ names and contact information.
- Use a font size sufficient to be read at a distance of 1.5–2 m. We recommend a minimum font size of 20 pt.
- Organise the poster in a way that is clear, well-structured, and self-explanatory.
- The organisers will provide pins for attaching posters
- There is no possibility to print posters at the Geography Days, so please print and bring your poster with you. Contact your institution for poster printing practicalities.
After the session, we hope that you will collect your poster by lunchtime on Friday, 1st of November, at the latest; otherwise, it will be taken down by the organisers and recycled accordingly.
All picos and posters
All picos and posters (pdf)