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Markus J. Rantala 2xPhD, 2xAdjunct Professor

Current address:

Department of Biology

University of Turku

FIN-20014 Turku, Finland

e-mail: markus.rantala(A)utu.fi  (A)=@


Selected news & views articles about my research

A Good Nose for Ovulation. Science (18 June 2004) http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2004/618/2

Sick Damselflies Hit the Road. Science (27 October 2009) http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2009/1027/2

Manly Sweat Makes Other Men More Cooperative Science (31 May 2013) http://news.sciencemag.org/chemistry/2013/05/manly-sweat-makes-other-men-more-cooperative

How Feminine Is Your Girlfriend’s Face? Science (29 April 2014) http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2014/04/how-feminine-your-girlfriends-face


PhD theses

Rantala MJ (2002). Immunocompetence and sexual selection in insects. Jyväskylä studies in biological and environmental science (114). (PhD thesis in Biology).

Rantala MJ (2014). Physical attractiveness as a signal of biological quality. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B 388. (PhD thesis in Psychology).



Rantala MJ. (2019) Masennuksen biologia: evoluutiopsykologinen näkökulma mielialahäiriöihin. Terra Cognita. (in press)


Publications in English

in press

Rantala MJ, Luoto S, Krama T, & Krams I. Eating disorders: An evolutionary psychoneuroimmunological approach. Frontiers in Psychology, in press.

Luoto S, Rantala MJ & Krams I.  England first, America second: The ecological predictors of life history and innovation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. In press. Preprint doi: 13140/RG.2.2.21280.02560/1


180) Luoto, S. Krams, I & Rantala, MJ. (2019). Response to Commentaries: Life History Evolution, Causal Mechanisms, and Female Sexual Orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior 48: 1335-134

179) Luoto S, Krams I. & Rantala MJ. (2019). A Life History Approach to the Female Sexual Orientation Spectrum: Evolution, Development, Causal Mechanisms, and Health. Archives of Sexual Behavior 48: 1273-1308.

178) Polo-Kantola, P & Rantala MJ. (2019). Menopause, a curse or an opportunity? An evolutionary biological view. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 98, 687-688.

177) Dixson BJW, Rantala MJ & Brooks RC (2019) Cross-cultural variation in women’s preferences for men’s body hair. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 5, 131-147.

176) Trakimas, G., Krama, T., Haque, S., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Kortet, R., Luoto S, Inwood, SE, Butler, DM, Jöers P, Hawlena D, Rantala MJ, Elfers D, Contreras-Garduno J & Krams, I. (2019). Ecological stoichiometry: A link between developmental speed and physiological stress in an omnivorous insect. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 13: Article number 42.

175) Marcinkowska UM, Rantala MJ, Lee AL, Kozlov MV, Aavik T, Cai H, Contreras-Garduño J, David OA, Kaminski G, Li NP, Onyishi IE, Prasai K, Pazhoohi F, Prokop P, Rosales Cardozo AL, Sydney N, Taniguchi H, Krams I, Dixson BJW. (2019). Women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditions. Scientific Reports 9: 3387

174) Krams I, Rubika A, Krama T, Elferts D, Kecko S, Skrinda I, Moore FR, LuotoS, Krams R & Rantala MJ. (2019). A head start for life history development? Family income causes associations between body height and immune response in men. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168: 421-427.

173) Borráz-León JI, Rantala MJ & Cerda-Molina AL. (2019). Digit ratio (2D:4D) and facial symmetry as predictors of the Dark Triad of personality. Personality and Individual differences 137: 50-55.


172) Kangassalo, K., Valtonen, TM, Sorvari, J, Kecko, S., Pölkki M, Krams I & Rantala MJ. (2018). Independent and interactive effects of immune activation and larval diet on adult immune function, growth and development in the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). Journals of Evolutionary Biology 31 (10): 1485-1497.

171) de Souza AR, Simoes, TG, Rantala MJ, Santos EF, Lino-Netto J, Santos do Nascimento F. (2018). Sexual ornaments reveal the strength of encapsulation response and longevity of male paper wasps. Journal of Insect Physiology 109, 163-168.

170) Krams, I. Trakimas G, Kecko S, Elferts D, Krams R, Luoto S, Rantala MJ, Mänd M, Kuusik A, Kekäläinen J, Joers P, Kortet R & Krama T. (2018). Linking organismal growth, coping styles, stress reactivity, and metabolism: responses against a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in a insect. Scientific Reports 8: Article number 8599.

169) Dixson BJW, Blake KR, Denson TF, Gooda-Vossos A, O’dean, SM, Sulikowski D, Rantala MJ & Brooks RC. (2018). The role of mating context and fecundability in women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity and beardedness. Psychoneuroendrocrinology 93: 90-102.

168) Krams, I. Rantala, MJ, Luoto, S. & Krama T. (2018) Fat is not just an energy store. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221: Article number: UNSP jeb183756.

167) Luoto, S., Karlsson, H., Krams, I., & Rantala, MJ. Depression subtyping based on evolutionary psychiatry: From reactive short-term mood change to depression. Brain Behaviour and Immunity 69, 630.

166) Rantala, MJ, Luoto, S., Krams I. & Karlsson H. 2018. Depression subtyping based on evolutionary psychiatry: proximate mechanisms and ultimate functions. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 69, 603-617.

165) Borraz-Leon JI, Cerda-Molina, AL, Rantala, MJ, Mayagoitia-Novales L. 2018. Choosing fighting competitors among men: testosterone, Personality, and motivations. Evolutionary Psychology, 16, Article Number: 1474704918757243.

164) Luoto, S: & Rantala MJ. On estrogenic masculinization of the human brain and behaviour. Hormones and behavior 97, 1-2.



163) Krams, I., Kecko, S., Inaskina, I., Trakimasi, G., Krams. R., Elferts, D., Vrublevska, J. Joers, P., Rantala, MJ, Luoto, S., Conteras-Garduno J, Jankevica, L, Meija, L. & Krama, T. Food quality affects the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes upon simulated parasite attack in the larvae of greater wax moth. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. in press.

162) Cirule, D., Krama, T., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Kaasik, A., Rantala, M.J., Mierauskas, P., Luoto, S. & Krams IA. 2017. Habitat quality affects stress responses and survival in a bird wintering under extremely low ambient temperatures. Science of Nature, 104, Article number 99.

161) Krams, I, Kecko, S, Joers, P., Trakimas, G., Elferts, D., Krams, R., Luoto, S., Rantala, MJ, Inashkina, I., Gudra, D., Fridmanis, D., Contreras Garduno, J., Grantina-Ievina, L. & Krama T. Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 4204-4212.

160) Kecko S, Mihailova A, Kangassalo K, Elferts D, Krama T, Krams R, Luoto S, Rantala MJ & Krams IA (2017). Sex-specific compensatory growth in the larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30, 1910-1918.

159) Rantala MJ, Luoto, S. & Krams I. 2017. An evolutionary approach to clinical pharmacopsychology. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 86, 370-371.

158) Dixson, BJ. & Rantala, MJ. (2017). Further Evidence Using a Continuous Measure of Conception Probability that Women’s Preferences for Male Facial and Body Hair May Not Change with Fecundability. Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1159-1160.

157) Luoto, S. & Rantala MJ. (2017). Specificity of Women’s Sexual Response: Proximate Mechanisms and Ultimate Causes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 1195-1198.

156) Krams, IA, Rumvolt, K., Saks, L., Krams, R., Elferts, D., Vrublevska, J., Rantala, MJ, Kecko, S., Cirule, D., Luoto, S., & Krama, T. (2017). Reproduction compromises adaptive immunity in a cyprinid fish. Ecological Research, 32. 559-566.

155) Krams IA, Niemela PT, Trakimas G, Krams R, Burghart GM, Krama T, Kuusik A, Mänd M, Rantala MJ, Mänd R, Kekalainen J, Sirkka I, Luoto S & Kortet R (2017) Metabolic rate associates with, but does not generate covariation between, behaviours in western stutter-trilling crickets, Gryllus integer. Proceedings of Royal Society London B, 284, Article number 20162481

154) Dixson BJ, Rantala MJ, Melo EF, and Brooks, RC. 2017. Beards and the big city: displays of masculinity may be amplified under crowded conditions. Evolution and Human Behavior 38, 259-264.

153) Krams IA, Krama, T, Trakimas, G, Kaasik, A. Rantala, MJ & Škute A. 2017. Reproduction is costly in an infected aquatic insect. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 29, 74-84.

152) Marcinkowska, UM., Dixson, BJ., Kozlov MV., Prasai, K. & Rantala, MJ. 2017. Men’s Preferences for Female Facial Femininity Decline With Age. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B. 72, 180-186.



151) Kangassalo, K., Kosonen, K., Pölkki M, Sorvari J., Krams, I. & Rantala MJ. 2016 Immune challenge has a negative effect on cuticular darkness in the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 53, 241-253.

150) Dixson B.J.W., Sulikowski D., Gouda-Vossos A., Rantala MJ & Brooks RC. 2016. The masculinity paradox: Experimental evidence for a trade-off between facial masculinity and beardedness in women’s ratings of men’s facial attractiveness. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29, 2311-2320.

149) Tybur J.M., Inbar Y, Aarøe, L, Barclay P., Barlow F.K., de Barra M., Becker D.V., Borovoi L., Choi I., Choi J.A., Consedine N.S., Conway, A., Conway J.R., Conway P,. Cubela Adoric V., Demirci E., Fernández A.M., Ferreira D.C.S., Ishii K., Jakšić I., Ji T., van Leeuwen F., Lewis D.M.G, Li N.P., McIntyre J.C., Mukherjee, S., Park J.H., Pawlowski, B, Petersen M.B., M.B, Pizarro D., Prodromitis G., Prokop P., Rantala M.J., Reynolds L.M., Sandin B, Sevi B., de Smet D., Srinivasan N., Tewari S., Wilson C., Yong J.C., Žeželj I. 2016. Parasite Stress and Pathogen Avoidance Relate to Distinct Dimensions of Political Ideology Across 30 Nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United State of America, 113: 12408-12413.

148) Krams, I., Gordon M. Burghardt, GM., Krams, R., Trakimas, G., Kaasik, A., Luoto, S., Rantala, MJ. & Krama, T. A dark cuticle allows higher investment in immunity, longevity and fecundity in a beetle upon a simulated parasite attack. Oecologia, 182, 99-109.

147) Marquez-Garcia, A., Canales-Lazcano, J., Rantala, MJ., & Contreras-Garduno, J. 2016. Is Juvenile Hormone a potential mechanism that underlay the ”branched Y-model”? General and Comparative Endrocrinology 230, 170-176.

146) Dixson BJ & Rantala MJ. 2016. The role of facial and body hair distribution in women’s judgments of men’s sexual attractiveness. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 45, 877-889. PDF



145) Krama, T. Krams, R., Cirule, D., Moore, F.R., Rantala, M. J. & Krams, I. A. 2015. Intensity of haemosporidian infection of parids positively correlates with proxinity to water bodies, but negatively with host survival. Journal of Ornithology 156: 1075-1084. DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1206-5 PDF

144) Kaunisto S, Härkönen L, Rantala MJ & Kortet R. 2015. Early-life temperature modifies adult encapsulation response in an invasive ectoparasite. Parasitology 142(10), 1290-1296.

143) Kangassalo, K., Valtonen, T.M. Roff, D., Pölkki M, Dubovskyi, I. M., Sorvari, J. & Rantala M.J. 2015. Intra- and trans-generational effects of larval diet on suscerptibility to an entomopahogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, in the greather wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(8): 1453-1464.

142) Vrublevska J, Krama T, Rantala, MJ, Mierauskas P, Freeberg, TM, & Krams IA. 2015. Personality and density affect nest defence and nest survival in the great tit. Acta Ethologica 18(2): 111-120.

141) Krams, I, Moore F, Krama T, Rantala MJ, Mand R, Mierauskas, P & Mand M. 2015. Resource availability as a proxy for terminal investment in a beetle. Oecologia, 178 (2): 339-345.

140) Krams I, Kecko S, Kangassalo K, Moore F, Jankevics E, Inashkina I, Krama T, Lietuvietis V, Meija L, Rantala MJ. 2015. Effects of food quality on trade-offs among growth, immunity and survival in the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). Insect Science 22(3): 431-439.

139) Moore FR, Cīrule D, Kivleniece I, Vrublevska J, Rantala MJ, Sild E, Sepp T, Hõrak P, Krama T, Krams I. 2015. Investment in a sexual signal results in reduced survival under extreme conditions in the male great tit (Parus major). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 69, 151-158.



138) Skirnda I, Krama T, Kecko S, Moore FR, Kaasik A, Meija L, Lietuvietis V, Rantala MJ & Krams I. 2014. Body height, immunity, facial and vocal attractiveness in young men. Naturwissenschaften 101: 1017-1025. DOI:10.1007/s00114-014-1241-8

137) Gruber C, Vainikka A, Hirvonen H, Rantala MJ and Kortet R. Endogenous seasonal variation in the encapsulation response of the noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). Annales Zoologici Fennici, 51: 433-444.

136) Gruber C, Kortet R, Vainikka A, Hyvärinen P, Rantala MJ, Pikkarainen A, Jussila J, Makkonen J, Kokko H,& Hirvonen H. Variation in resistance to the invasive crayfish plague and immune defence in the native noble crayfish Anneles Zoologici Fennici 51: 371-389.

135) Krams I, Kivleniece I, Kuusik A, Krama T, Freeberg TM, Mänd R, Sikacova, L, Rantala MJ, Dauskte J, Mänd M. 2014. High Repeatability of Anti-Predator Responses and Resting Metabolic Rate in a Beetle. Journal of Insect Behaviour 27: 57- 66. DOI 10.1007/s10905-013-9408-2.

134) Krams IA, Skrinda I, Kecko S, Moore, FR, Krama T, Kaasik A, Meija L, Lietuvietis V& Rantala MJ. 2014. Body height affects the strenght of immune response in young men, but not young women. Scientific Reports 4: 6223. DOI: 10.1038/srep06223 PDF

133) Pölkki, M, Kangassalo K. & Rantala MJ. 2014. Effect of Interaction Between Temperature Conditions and Copper Exposure on Immune Defense and Life-history Traits of the Blow Fly Protophormia terraenovae. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 8793−8799. DOI:10.1021/es501880b. PDF

132) Krams, I, Vrublevska, J, Koosa K, Krama, T, Mierauskas P, Rantala M.J. & Tilgar, V. 2014. Hissing calls improve survival in incubating female great tits (Parus major). Acta Ethologica 17: 83-88. DOI 10.1007/s10211-013-0163-3 PDF

131) Krams, IA, Vrublevska, J, Tull, S., Abolins-Abols M, Mieraskaus P, Rantala MJ & Krama T. 2014. Sex-specific associations between nest defence, exploration and breathing rate in breeding pied flycatchers. Ethology 120, 492-501. DOI: 10.1111/eth.12222 PDF

130) Krams I, Krama T, Moore FT, Kivleniece I, Kuusik A, Freeberg TM, Mänd R, Rantala MJ, Dauskte J, Mänd M. 2014. Male mealworm beetles increase resting metabolic rate under terminal investment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, 541-550. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12318. PDF

129) Valtonen TM, Roff DA, Rantala MJ. 2014. The deleterious effects of high inbreeding on male Drosophila melanogaster attractiveness are observed under competitive but not under non-competitive conditions. Behavior Genetics 44, 144-154. DOI 10.1007/s10519-013-9639-1

128) Marcinkowska UM, Kozlov MV, Cai H, Contreras-Garduño J, Barnaby J. Dixson BJ, Oana GA, Kaminski G, Li NP, Lyons MT, Onyishi IE, Prasai K, Pazhoohi F, Prokop P, Rosales Cardozo SL, Sydney N, Yong JC, Rantala MJ. 2014. Cross cultural variation in men’s preference for sexual dimorphism in women faces. Biology Letters 10, 20130850.

127) Krams I, Kivleniece I, Kuusik A, Krama T, Freeberg TM, Mänd R, Sikacova, L, Rantala MJ, Dauskte J, Mänd M. 2014. High Repeatability of Anti-Predator Responses and Resting Metabolic Rate in a Beetle. Journal of Insect Behaviour 27: 57- 66. DOI 10.1007/s10905-013-9408-2.



126) Krama T, Suraka V, Hukkanen M, Rytkönen S, Orell M, Cīrule D, Rantala MJ & Krams I. 2013. Physiological condition and blood parasites of breeding Great Tits: a comparison of core and northernmost population. Journal of Ornitology 154:1019–1028. DOI 10.1007/s10336-013-0969-9.

125) Krams, I., Kokko, H., Abolins-Abols, M, Krama, T., & Rantala, M.J. 2013. The excuse principle can maintain cooperation through forgivable defection in the prisoner’s dilemma game. Proceedings of Royal Society London B 280: 20131475. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.1475

124) Krams I, Kivleniece I, Kuusik A, Krama T, Mänd R, Rantala MJ, Znotina S, Freeberg TM & Mänd M. Predation promotes survival of beetles with lower resting metabolic rates. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 148, 94-103. DOI: 10.1111/eea.12079.

123) Krams I, Kivleniece I, Kuusik A, Krama T, Freeberg TM, Mänd R, Vrublevska J, Rantala MJ, Mänd M. 2013. Predation selects for low resting metabolic rate and consistent individual differences in anti-predator behavior in a beetle. Acta Ethologica 16:163–172. DOI 10.1007/s10211-013-0147-3.

122) Prokop P, Rantala MJ, Usak M & Senay I. 2013. Is female preference for male body hair influenced by pathogen threat? Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 42:1181–1189. DOI 10.1007/s10508-012-0007-7.

121) Saastamoinen M & Rantala MJ. 2013. Influence of developmental conditions on immune function and dispersal-related traits in the Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) butterfly. PLoS One 8(11): e81289. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081289. PDF

120) Krams I, Daukste J, Kivleniece I, Krama T& Rantala MJ. 2013. Previous encapsulation response enhances within individual protection against fungal parasite in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. Insect Science 20, 771-777. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012.01574.x PDF

119) Krams IA, Suraka V, Rantala MJ, Sepp TP, Mierauskas PJ, Vrublevska J & T. Krama T. 2013. Acute infection of avian malaria impairs concentration of hemoglobin and survival in juvenile altricial birds. Journal of Zoology 291 (1), 34-41. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12043

118) Krams I, Daukste J, Kivleniece, I., Kaasik A, Krama T., Freeberg T & Rantala MJ. 2013. Trade-off between cellular immunity and life span in mealworm beetles Tenebrio molitor. Current Zoology 593: 340 – 346.

117) Marcinkowska UM, Moore FR & Rantala MJ. 2013. An experimental test of the Westermarck effect: sex differences in inbreeding avoidance. Behavioural Ecology, 24(4), 842-845. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/art028

116) Krams I, Cirule D, Nord A, Rantala MJ & Krama T. 2013. Nocturnal loss of body reserves reveals high survival risk for subordinate great tits wintering at extreme low ambient temperatures. Oecologia, 172 (2), 339-346.DOI: 10.1007/s00442-012-2505-7

115) Prokkola J, Roff D, KärkkäinenT, Krams I & Rantala MJ 2013. Genetic and phenotypic relationships between immune defense, melanism and life history traits at different temperatures and sexes in Tenebrio molitor. Heredity 111, 89-96.

114) Rantala MJ, Coetzee V, Moore FR, Skrinda I, Kecko S, Krama T, Kivleniece I & Krams I. 2013. Facial attractiveness is related to women’s cortisol and body fat, but not with immune responsiveness. Biology Letters 9, 20130255.

113) Huoviala P & Rantala MJ. 2013. A putative human pheromone, androstadienone, increases cooperation between men. PLoS One 8: e62499.

112) Krams I, Vrublevska J, Cirule D, Kivleniece I, Krama T, Rantala MJ, Kaasik A, Horak P & Sepp T. 2013 Stress, behaviour and immunity in wild-caught wintering great tits (Parus major). Ethology 5, 397-406.

111) Shiyong Y, Huihui W, Jianchun X, & Rantala MJ. 2013. Depressed Performance and Detoxification Enzyme Activities of Helicoverpa armigera Fed by Conventional Cotton Foliage Subjected to Methyl Jasmonate Exposure. Entomologica Experimentalis et Applicata 2, 186-195.

110) Pölkki M, Kortet R, Hedrick A & Rantala MJ. 2013. Dominance is not always an honest signal of male quality: an indication of behavioral terminal investment in a cricket? Biology Letter 9, 20121002.

109) Moore FR, Coetzee V, Contreras-Garduño J, Debruine LM, Kleisner K, Krams I, Marcinkowska U, Nord A, Perrett DI, Rantala MJ, Schaum N & Suzuki TN 2013. Cross cultural analysis of women’s preferences for cues to sex- and stress- hormones in the male face. Biology Letters 9, 20130050.

108) Rantala MJ, Coetzee V, Moore FR, Skrinda I, Kecko S, Krama T, Kivleniece I & Krams I 2013. Adiposity found to be a more valid cue to immunocompetence than masculinity in human mate choice. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 280, 20122495.



107) Krams I, Daukste J, Kivleniece I, Krama T & Rantala MJ 2012. Previous encapsulation response enhances within individual protection against fungal parasite in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. Insect Science 0, 1-7. DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012.01574.x PDF

106) Marcinkowska UM & Rantala MJ 2012. Sexual imprinting on facial traits of opposite-sex parents in humans. Evolutionary Psychology 10, 621-630. PDF

105) Valtonen TM & Rantala MJ 2012. Poor early nutrition reveals the trade-off between immune defense and mating success. Ecological Parasitology and Immunology 1: Article ID: 235523. doi:10.4303/epi/235523

104) Krama T, Vrublevska J, Freeberg TM, Kullberg C, Rantala MJ & Krams I. 2012. You mob my owl, I’ll mob yours: birds play tit-for-tat game. Scientific Reports 2: Article number: 800.

103) Krams I, Suraka V, Cīrule D, Hukkanen M, Tummeleht L, Mierauskas P, Rytkönen S, Rantala MJ, Vrublevska J, Orell M & Krama T 2012. A comparison of microscopy and PCR diagnostics for low intensity infections of haemosporidian parasites in the Siberian tit Poecile cinctus. Annales Zoologici Fennici 49, 331-340.

102) Martemyanov, V.V., Dubovskiy, I.M., Rantala, M.J., Salminen, J-P., Belousova, I.A., Pavlushin, S.V., Bakhvalov, S.A., Glupov V.V. 2012. Rapid induced resistance of silver birch affects both innate immunity and performance of gypsy moths: the role of plant chemical defenses. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6, 507–518. DOI 10.1007/s11829-012-9202-7

101) Krams I, Suraka V, Rattiste K, Mikus Āboliņš-Ābols M, Krama T, Rantala MJ, Mierauskas P, Cīrule D & Saks L. 2012. Comparative analysis reveals a possible immunity-related absence of blood parasites in common gulls (Larus canus) and black-headed gulls (Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Journal of Ornithology 153, 1245–1252. DOI 10.1007/s10336-012-0859-6

100) van Ooik T, Rantala MJ, Salminen J-P, Yang S, Neuvonen S & Ruuhola T. 2012. The effects of simulated acid rain and heavy metal pollution on the mountain birch – autumnal moth interaction. Chemoecology 22, 251–262. DOI 10.1007/s00049-012-0114-x

99) Haviola S, Neuvonen S, Rantala MJ, Saikkonen K, Salminen J-P, Saloniemi I, Yang S, Ruuhola T. 2012. Genetic and environmental factors behind foliar chemistry of the mature mountain birch. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38, 902-913. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-012-0148-0

98) Lilley TM, Ruokolainen L, Pikkarainen A, Laine V, Kilpimaa J, Rantala MJ & Nikinmaa M. 2012. Impact of tributyltin on immune response and life history traits of Chironomus riparius: single and multi-generation effects, and recovery from pollution. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 7382-7389. DOI: 10.1021/es300536

97) Pölkki, M., Kangassalo, K. & Rantala MJ. 2012. Transgenerational Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution on Immune Defense of the Blow Fly Protophormia terraenovae. PLoS One 7, e38832. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038832

96) Daukste J, Kivleniece I, Krama T., Rantala MJ. &Krams I 2012. Senescence of the strength of immune system, immune priming to a novel antigen and sexual signalling in a beetle. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 1298-1304. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02516.x

95) Roff DA, Prokkola, J., Krams, I & Rantala MJ. 2012. There’s more than one way to skin a G matrix. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25, 1113-1126. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02500.x

94) Valtonen TM, Kangassalo K, Pölkki M & Rantala MJ. 2012. Transgenerational effects of parental larval diet on offspring development time, adult body size and pathogen resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS One 7, e31611. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031611.

93) Pölkki, M., Kangassalo, K., Krams, I., Rantala MJ. 2012. Inbreeding affects sexual signalling in males but not females of Tenebrio molitor. Biology Letters 8, 423-425. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.1135

92) Prokop P, Rantala MJ, & Fancovicova, J. 2012. Is plasticity in mating preferences adapted to perceived exposure to pathogens? Acta Ethologica 15, 135-140. DOI: 10.1007/s10211-011-0118-5

91) Krama I, Bērziņš A, Krams I, Rantala MJ & Wheatcroft D. 2012. Linking antipredator behaviour and habitat quality: group effect in nest defence of a passerine bird. Acta Ethologica 15, 127-134. DOI: 10.1007/s10211-011-0117-6.

90) Martemyanov VV, Dubovskiy IM, Rantala MJ, Salminen J-P, Belousova IA, Pavlushin SV, Bakhvalov SA & Glupov VV. 2012. The Effects of Defoliation-Induced Delayed Changes in Silver Birch Foliar Chemistry on Gypsy Moth Fitness, Immune Response, and Resistance to Baculovirus Infection. Journal of Chemical Ecology 38, 295–305. DOI 10.1007/s10886-012-0090-1

89) Krams I, Vrublevska J, Cirule D, Kivleniece I, Krama, T., Rantala MJ, Sild E & Hõrak P. 2012. Heterophil/lymphocyte ratios predict the magnitude of humoral immune response to a novel antigen in great tits (Parus major). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B, 161, 422-424. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.12.018

88) Krams I, Dauste J, Kivleniece I, Brumelis G, Cibulkskis R, Abolis-Abols M, Rantala MJ, Mieraskaus P, Krama T. 2012. Drought-induced positive feedback insect: easier invasion of Scots pine leading to greater investement in immunity of emerging individuals. Forest Ecology and Management 270, 147-152. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.01.012

87) Rantala MJ, Moore FR, Skrinda I, Krama T, Kivleniece I, Kecko S, & Krams I. 2012. Evidence for the stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in humans. Nature Communication 3, 694 doi: 10.1038/ncomms1696.

86) Cīrule D, Krama T, Vrublevska J, Rantala MJ & Krams I. 2012. A rapid effect of handling on counts of white blood cells in a wintering passerine bird: a more practical measure of stress? Journal of Ornitology 153, 161-166.

85) Cordoba-Aguilar, A., Ruiz-Silva. D., Gonzalez-Tokman, D., Contreras-Garduno, J., Peretti, A., Moreno-Garcia, M.A., Rantala, M.J., Koskimäki, J., Kortet, R. & Suhonen, J. 2012. No firm evidence of immunological costs of insect oviposition and copulation: a test with dragonflies (Zygoptera). Odonatologica 41, 7-15.



84) Kangassalo K, Pölkki M. & Rantala MJ. 2011. Prenatal Influences on Sexual Orientation: Digit Ratio (2D:4D) and Number of Older Siblings. Evolutionary Psychology 9: 496-508. PDF

83) Dubovskiy IM, Grizanova EV, Ershova N, Rantala MJ & Glupov VV. 2011. Effect of dietary nickel on activity of the detoxification enzymes, innate immunity and resistance of Galleria mellonella larvae to fungi Beauveria bassiana. Chemosphere 85: 92-96. PDF

82) Valtonen TM, Roff DA & Rantala MJ 2011. Analysis of the effects of inbreeding on lifespan and starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 139: 525-533. PDF

81) Ruuhola T, Leppänen T, Julkunen-Tiitto R, Rantala MJ & Lehto T. 2011. Boron fertilization enhances the induced defense of silver birch. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37, 460-471. PDF

80) Krams I, Daukste J, Kivleniece I, Krama, T. & Rantala MJ. 2011. Overwinter survival depends on immune defence and body length in male Aquarius najas water striders. Entomologica Experimentalis et Applicata 140: 45–51. PDF

79) Rantala MJ, Viitaniemi, H & Roff DA. 2011. Effects of inbreeding on potential and realized immune responses in Tenebrio molitor. Parasitology 138, 906–912. PDF

78) Rantala MJ& Marcinkowska U. 2011. The role of sexual imprinting and the Westermarck effect in mate choice in humans. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 859-873. PDF

77) Krams I, Daukšte J, Kivleniece I, Krama T, Rantala MJ, Ramey G, Sausa L. 2011. Female choice reveals terminal investment in male mealworm beetles, Tenebrio molitor, after a repeated activation of the immune system. Journal of Insect Science 11:52 available online: insectscience.org/11.52 PDF

76) Vainikka A., Niemelä, P., Rantala, M.J., Hirvonen, H. & Kortet, R. 2011. Boldness as a consistent personality trait in the noble crayfish, Astacus astacus. Acta Ethologica 14: 17-25. PDF

75) Rantala MJ, Honkavaara J, Dunn D & Suhonen J. 2011. Predation selects for increased immune function in male damselflies, Calopteryx splendens. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 278: 1231-1238. PDF

74) Valtonen TM, Roff DA & Rantala MJ 2011. Analysis of the effects of early nutritional environment on inbreeding depression in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 196-205. PDF



73) Kivleniece, I., Krams, I., Krama, T., Daukste, J. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Terminal investment in sexual signaling in male meal worm beetles. Animal Behaviour 80: 1015-1021. PDF

72) Krams I., Cirule D., Krama T., Hukkanen M., Rytkönen S., Orell M., Iezhova T., Rantala M.J. & Tummeleht L. 2010. Effect of forest management on haematological parameters, blood parasites, and reproductive success of the Siberian tit Poecile cinctus in northern Finland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 47: 335-346. PDF

71) Anttila U., Julkunen-Tiitto R., Rousi M., Yang S., Rantala M.J. & Ruuhola T. 2010. Effects of elevated UV-B radiation on a plant-herbivore interaction. Oecologia, 164:163–175. PDF

70) Bērziņš A., Krams I.; Krama T.; Freeberg T., Kivleniece I., Kulberg C. & Rantala, M.J. 2010. Mobbing as a tradeoff between safety and reproduction in a songbird. Behavioral Ecology 21: 1054-1060. PDF

69) van Ooik T. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Local adaptation of an insect herbivore to a heavy metal contamined environment. Annales Zoologici Fennici 47: 215-222. PDF

68) Salokannel J., Rantala M.J. & Wahlberg N. 2010. DNA-barcoding clarifies species definitions of Finnish Apatania (Trichoptera; Apataniidae). Entomologica Fennica 21: 1-11. PDF

67) Rantala M.J., Honkavaara, J. & Suhonen, J. 2010. Immune system activation interacts with territory-holding potential and increases predation of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens by birds. Oecologia 163: 825-832. PDF

66) Krams, I., Krama, T., Bērziņš, A.& Rantala, M.J. 2010. The risk of predation favours cooperation among breeding prey. Communicative & Integrative Biology 3: 1-2. PDF

65) Valtonen T.M., Viitaniemi H. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Copulation enhances resistance against an entomopathogenic fungi in the mealworm beetle Tenebrio molitor. Parasitology 137: 985-989. PDF

64) Valtonen T.M., Kleino A., Rämet M. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Starvation reveals maintenance cost of humoral immunity. Evolutionary Biology 37: 49–57. PDF

63) Mikkola K. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Immune defence, a possible nonvisual selective factor behind the industrial melanism of moths (Lepidoptera). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 99: 831–838. PDF

62) Rantala M.J., Pölkki M. & Rantala L.M. 2010. Preference for human male body hair changes across the menstrual cycle and menopause. Behavioral Ecology 21: 419–423. PDF

61) Ruuhola T., Yang S., & Rantala M.J. 2010. Increase in substrate availability down-regulates PO activity in Epirrita autumnata. Chemoecology, 20:11–18. PDF

60) Krams I., Bērziņš A., Krama T., Wheatcroft D., Igaune K. & Rantala M.J. 2010. The increased risk of predation enhances cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 277: 513-518.

59) Suhonen J.,Honkavaara J. & Rantala M.J. 2010. Activation of the immune system promotes insect dispersal in the wild. Oecologia 162: 541–547.

58) Krams I., Cîrule D., Suraka V., Krama T., Rantala M.J. & Ramey G. 2010. Fattening strategies of wintering great tits support the optimal body mass hypothesis under conditions of extremely low ambient temperature. Functional Ecology 24: 172-177.



57) Honkavaara, J., Rantala, M.J. & Suhonen, J. 2009. Mating status, immune defence and multi-parasite burden in a damselfly, Coenagrion armatum. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 132: 165-171. PDF

56) Toivanen, T., Rantala, M.J. & Suhonen, J. 2009. Influence of alternative mating tactics on predation risk in the damselfly Calopteryx virgo. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 684-688.

55) Ruuhola, T., Rantala, L.M, Neuvonen, S., Yang S. & Rantala, M.J. 2009. Effects of long-term simulated acid rain on the mountain birch – autumnal moth interaction. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 589-596. PDF

54) Pölkki, M. & Rantala M.J. 2009. Smoking reduces the sexual attractiveness of women by affecting sex-hormone-regulated body form. The American Journal of Public Health 99: 1350-1350. PDF

53) Suutari,E., Salmela, J., Paasivirta, L., Rantala M.J., Tynkkynen, K., Luojumäki, M. & Suhonen, J. 2009. Macroarthropod species richness and conservation priorities in Stratiotes aloides (L.) lakes. Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 413-419. PDF

52) Martemyanov, V. V., Bakhvalov, S. A., Rantala, M. J., Dubovskiy, I. M., Shultz, E.E., Strelnikov, A. G. & Glupov. V. V. 2009. The response of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. infected with nucleopolyhedrovirus on induced resistance of birch Betula pendula Roth. Russian journal of ecology 40: 434–439. PDF

51) Koskimäki J., Rantala M.J., Suhonen J. 2009. Wandering males are smaller than territorial males in the damselfly Calopteryx virgo (L.) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odonatologica, 38: 159-165. PDF



50) Dubovskiy I.M., Martemyanov V.V., Vorontsova Y.L., Rantala M.J., Gryzanova E.V., Glupov V.V. 2008. Effect of bacterial infection on antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation in the midgut of Galleria mellonella L. larvae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C., 148: 1-5. PDF

49) van Ooik, T., Pausio, S., Rantala M.J.. 2008. Direct effects of heavy metal pollution on the immune function of a geometrid moth. Chemosphere 71: 1840-1844. PDF

48) Yang, S., Ruuhola, T., Haviola S., & Rantala, M.J. 2008. Effects of host plant shift on immune and other key life history traits of an eruptive Geometrid, Epirrita autumnata (Borkhausen). Ecological Entomology, 33: 510-516. PDF

47) Suhonen J., Rantala M.J. & Honkavaara, J. 2008. Territoriality in odonates. In: Dragonflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research (Ed. Corboda-Aquilar, A.). Oxford University Press, Chapter 16, pp. 203-217. PDF

46) Sorvari J., Hakkarainen H. & Rantala M.J. 2008. Immune defense of ants is associated with changes in habitat characteristics. Environmental Entomology 37: 51-56. PDF

45) Tynkkynen K, Grapputo A., Kotiaho J.S., Rantala M.J., Väänänen S.& Suhonen J. 2008. Hybridization in Calopteryx damselflies: the role of males. Animal Behaviour 75: 1431:1439. PDF



44)Vainikka, A., Rantala M.J., Seppälä, O. & Suhonen J. 2007. Do male mealworm beetles, Tenebrio molitor, sustain the honesty of pheromone signals under immune challenge? Acta Ethologica, 10: 63-72. PDF

43) Rantala M.J. 2007. The evolution of nakedness in Homo sapiens. Journal of Zoology 273: 1-7. PDF

42) Ruuhola, T., Salminen, J.-P., Haviola, S., Yang, S. & Rantala M.J. 2007. Immunological memory of mountain birches: the effects of phenolics on the performance of the autumnal moth depend on the herbivory history of trees. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 33: 1160-1176. PDF

41) Haviola, S., Kapari, L., Ossipov, V., Rantala, M.J., Ruuhola, T.& Haukioja E. 2007. Foliar Phenolics are Differently Associated with Epirrita autumnata Growth and Immunocompetence. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 1013-1023. PDF

40) Rantala M.J. & Roff D.A. 2007. Inbreeding and extreme outbreeding causes sex differences in immune defence and life history traits in Epirrita autumnata. Heredity 98, 329–336. PDF

39) Yang, S., Ruuhola, T. & Rantala M.J.2007. Impacts of starvation on immune defense and other life history traits of an outbreaking geometrid, Epirrita autumnata: a possible ultimate trigger of the crash phase of population cycle. Annales Zoologici Fennici 44: 89–96. PDF

38) Klemola, N., Klemola, T., Rantala, M.J. & Ruuhola, T. 2007. Natural host plant quality affects immune defence of the insect herbivore. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 123: 167-176. PDF

37) Yang, S., Ruuhola, T., Haviola, S. & Rantala M.J. 2007. Temperature as a modifier of plant-herbivore interaction. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33: 463–475. PDF

36) Rantala, M.J., Roff D.A. & Rantala, L.M. 2007. Forceps size and immune function in the european earwig Forficula auricularia. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 90: 509-516. PDF

35) Kortet, R., Rantala, M.J. & Hedrick, A.V. 2007. Boldness in anti-predator behavior and immune defense in field crickets. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 1-13. PDF

34) Sorvari, J. Rantala, L.M., Rantala, M.J., Hakkarainen, H. & Eeva, T.  2007.   Heavy metal pollution disturbs immune response  in wild ant populations. Environmental Pollution 145: 324-328.  PDF

33) van Ooik, T., Rantala, M.J. & Saloniemi I. 2007. Diet-mediated effects of heavy metal pollution on growth and immune response in the geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata. Environmental Pollution 145: 348-354. PDF



32) Ahtiainen, J.J., Alatalo, R.V., Kortet R. & Rantala M.J. 2006. Immune function, dominance and mating success in drumming male wolf spiders Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 826-832. PDF

31) Väänänen, S., Kortet, R. & Rantala, M.J. 2006. Dominance and immune function in the F1 generation of wild caught field crickets. Behaviour 143: 701-712. PDF

30) Rantala, M.J., Eriksson, C.J.P., Vainikka, A. &Kortet R. 2006. Male steroid hormones and female preference for male body odor. Evolution and Human Behavior 27: 259-269. PDF

29) Vainikka, A, , Seppälä, O, Löytynoja K, & Rantala, M.J. 2006. Fitness consequences of female preference for male pheromones in Tenebrio molitor. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 943-957. PDF

28) Martemyanov, V.V., Rantala, M., Belousova, I.A.,  Pavlushin, S.V., Shatalova, E.I. & Bakhvalov, S.A. 2006. Effect of delayed induced resistance of birch on the performance of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantridae) and its susceptibility to virus infection. Euroasian Entomological Journal 5: 105-110. PDF

27) Rantala, M.J. & Roff, D.A. 2006. Analysis of the importance of genotypic variation, metabolic rate, morphology, sex and development time on immune function in the cricket, Gryllus firmus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 834-843. PDF

26) Kapari, L, Haukioja, E., Rantala, M.J. & Ruuhola, T. 2006. Immune defence of a defoliating insect interacts with induced plant defence during a population outbreak. Ecology 87: 291-296. PDF



25) Vainikka, A., Kortet, R., Paukku, S., Rantala, M.J. & Pirhonen, J. 2005. What does male tench Tinca tinca (L.), advertise with his sexual ornaments? Acta Ethologica 8: 70-78.

24) Freitak, D., Vanatao, A. Ots, I.& Rantala, M.J. 2005. Formation of melanin-based wing patterns is influenced by condition and immune challenge in Pieris brassicae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 116: 237-243.

23) Ahtiainen, J.J., Alatalo, R.V., Kortet, R. & Rantala, M.J. 2005. A trade-off between immune function and sexual signalling in a wild population of the drumming wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18, 985-991.

22) Rantala, M.J. & Roff D.A. 2005. An analysis of trade-off in immune function, body size and development time in the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. Functional Ecology 19, 323-330.

21) Vainikka, A., Jokinen, E. I., Kortet, R., Paukku, S., Pirhonen, J., Rantala, M.J.& Taskinen, J. 2005. The effects of testosterone and β-glucan on the immune functions in tench (Tinca tinca L.). Journal of Fish Biology 66, 348–361.



20) Kortet, R. Vainikka, A. Rantala, M.J. Myntti, J. & Taskinen, J. 2004. In vitro fertilising ability and early offspring survival with respect to male secondary sexual ornaments and parasite resistance in roach, Rutilus rutilus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 1337-1344.

19) Rantala, M.J., Ahtiainen, J.J.& Suhonen, J. 2004. Fluctuating asymmetry and immune function in a field cricket. Oikos 107: 479-484.

18) Tynkkynen, K., Rantala, M.J., & Suhonen, J. 2004. Interspecific aggression and character displacement in the damselfly Calopteryx splendens. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17: 759-768.

17) Suutari, E., Rantala, M.J., Salmela, J. & Suhonen, J. 2004. Effects of intraguild  predation and interference competition on endangered dragonfly Aeshna viridis (Eversm.). Oecologia 140: 135-139.

16) Ahtiainen, J.J., Alatalo, R.V., Kortet, R. & Rantala, M.J. 2004. Sexual advertisement and immune function in an arachnid species (Lycosidae). Behavioral Ecology 15: 602-606.

15) Kuukasjärvi, S., Eriksson, C.J.P., Koskela, E., Nissinen, K., Mappes, T. & Rantala, M.J. 2004. Attractiveness of women body odours along menstrual cycle: the role of oral contraceptives and receiver sex. Behavioral Ecology 15: 579-584.

14) Rantala, M.J., Ilmonen, J., Koskimäki, J., Suhonen, J. & Tynkkynen, K. 2004. The macrophyte, Stratiotes aloides, protects larvae of endangered dragonfly Aeshna viridis against fish predation. Aquatic Ecology 38:77-82.

13) Rantala, M.J. & Kortet, R. 2004. Male dominance and immunocompetence in a field cricket. Behavioral Ecology 15: 187-191.

12) Koskimäki, J., Rantala, M.J., Suhonen, J., Taskinen, J. & Tynkkynen, K. 2004. Immunocompetence and resource holding potential in the damselfly Calopteryx virgo L. Behavioral Ecology 15: 169-173.

11) Vainio, L., Hakkarainen, H., Rantala, M.J. & Sorvari, J. 2004. Individual variation in immune function in Formica exsecta: effect of nest, body size and sex. Evolutionary Ecology 18, 75-84.

10) Kortet, R., Vainikka, A., Rantala, M.J.& Taskinen, J. 2004. Sperm quality, secondary sexual characters and parasitism in roach (Rutilus rutilus). Biological Journal of Linnean Society 81, 111-117.



9) Rantala, M.J., Kortet, R. & Vainikka, A. 2003. The role of juvenile hormone in immune function and pheromone production trade-offs: a test of the immunocompetence handicap principle. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 270, 2257-2261.

8) Rantala, M.J., Kortet, R., Kotiaho, J.S., Vainikka, A. & Suhonen, J. 2003 Condition dependence of pheromones and immune function in the grain beetle Tenebrio molitor. Functional Ecology 17, 534-540.

7) Rantala, M.J. & Kortet, R. 2003. Courtship song and immune function in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus? Biological Journal of Linnean Society.79, 503-510.

6) Kortet, R., Vainikka, A., Rantala, M.J., Jokinen, I. & Taskinen, J. 2003. Sexual ornamentation, androgens and papilostomasis in roach (Rutilus rutilus). Evolutionary Ecology Research 5, 411-419.


5) Rantala, M.J. 2002. Immunocompetence and Sexual Selection in Insects. Biological Research Reports from the University of Jyväskylä 114. PhD Thesis.

4) Rantala, M.J., Jokinen, I., Kortet, R. Vainikka, A. & Suhonen, J. 2002. Do pheromones reveal immunocompetence? Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 269, 1681-1685.

3) Rantala, M.J., Hovi, M., Korkeamäki, E. & Suhonen, J. 2001. No trade-off between the size and timing of emergence in the damselfly, Calopteryx virgo L. Annales Zoologi Fennici 38, 117-122.

2) Rantala, M.J., Koskimäki, J., Suhonen, J., Taskinen, J. & Tynkkynen, K. 2000. Immunocompetence, developmental stability and wing spot size in Calopteryx splendens. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 267, 2453-2457.

1) Rantala, M.J. 1999. Human nakedness: adaptation against ectoparasites? International Journal for Parasitology 29, 1987-1989.