Day 3: 27.5.2023
DAY 3, Saturday 27th May 2023
This programme is available as a .pdf here.

8.30: Registration and information desk open
Main hall, Publicum building
9.00-10.00: KEYNOTE PRESENTATION 3: Lorenz Lüthi, Professor, History of International Relations, McGill University
Politics of Place.
On site: University of Turku, Educarium building, EDU 2 lecture room.
10.30-13.00: SLOT 3.1
PANEL 3.1.1. Roundtable Panel: Nuclear Science Diplomacy
Discussant: Véronique Stenger (University of Geneva) | |
Chair: Aske Hennelund Nielsen (University of Southern Denmark, Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies) | |
Loukas Freris (Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies) | |
Maria Rentetzi (Chair for Science, Technology and Gender Studies) | |
Irina Fedorova (Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies) | |
Kapil Patil (Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies) | |
Sonali Huria (Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies) |
On site: University of Turku, Publicum-building, Pub 4 lecture room
PANEL 3.1.2. Brokers of Global Asia I: Entangled Diplomatic Norms, Practices, and Symbolic Interaction
Chair: Michael Auwers (University of Antwerp) | |
Discussant: Naoko Shimazu (Asia Research Institute, Yale-NUS College) | |
Eline Ceulemans (University of Antwerp), The inter-imperial web: Leopoldian brokers performing diplomacy in semi-colonial Qing China | |
Carl E. Kubler (University of Chicago), Diaspora’s Informal Diplomats: Chinese Sailors as Brokers of Cultural-Political Representation in Nineteenth-Century Europe | |
Laurence Badel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Interpreters in Siam. | |
On site: University of Turku, Publicum-building, Pub 5 lecture room
PANEL 3.1.3. The Congress for Cultural Freedom and the Cultural Cold War in the Nordic region, 1950-1970
Chair and Discussant: Rósa Magnúsdóttir (University of Iceland) | |
Haukur Ingvarsson (University of Iceland) illuminates the initiatives of anti-Communist entrepreneurs in Iceland, including the establishing of the publishing house Almenna Bókafélagið (AB) in 1955. | |
Mikael Nilsson (independent researcher) explores how the Swedish subchapter of the Congress was established and worked in the 1950s and 1960s, including with the editor-in-chief of the largest Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, Herbert Tingsten. | |
Dino Knudsen (Malmö University) explores how Congress activities expanded from the Scandinavian countries to Finland and Iceland in the 1950s and became more centrally coordinated from Copenhagen during the 1960s, but also how new agendas such as anticolonialism entered the agenda. |
On site: University of Turku, Turku School of Economics, lecture room Ls 07
PANEL 3.1.4. Consuls and consulates
Chair and discussant: Louis Clerc (University of Turku) | |
Marion Aballéa (Université de Strasbourg), Judith Bonnin (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne) and Jérémy Guedj (Université Côte d’Azur), Foreign consulates and consular agents in France in the 20th century: an ongoing survey to explore consular networks’ contemporary history | |
Sven Mörsdorf (EUI Florence), Bureaucratic Suicide: Honour, Emotion, and a Habsburg Consul’s Choice to End His Own Life | |
Jonathan Chilcote (Florida College), Disorganized Commerce: American Consuls and the Spanish Influenza Pandemic | |
Zülâl Muslu (Tilburg University Law School), Are they professional? The British diplomatic personal supervised by Sir Edmund G. Hornby |
On site: University of Turku, Arcanum-building, lecture hall Arcanum 270.
14.00-16.30: SLOT 3.2
PANEL 3.2.1. Women in diplomacy
Chair: Noe Cornago (University of the Basque Country) | |
Discussant: Birte Wassenberg (University of Strsbourg) | |
Amit Das Gupta (Universität der Bundeswehr, München), The female Face of Indian Foreign Policy | |
Elena Danescu, François Klein, Anne Schmit (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History), Mapping the role of women in Luxembourg post-war diplomacy through the lens of oral history | |
Müzeyyen Ezel Ünal (Kocaeli University), Diplomatic Spouses in Early Republican Turkey |
On site: University of Turku, Publicum-building, Pub 4 lecture room
PANEL 3.2.2. Personal diplomacy.
Chair: Shane Brighton (Queen’s University, Belfast) | |
Discussant: Juhana Aunesluoma (University of Helsinki) | |
Ioannis Brigkos (University of Vienna), Battling totalitarianism through politics and diplomacy: Bruno Pittermann against the Greek Junta | |
Michael Clinton (Gwynedd Mercy University) , Tsunejiro Miyaoka and the Diplomacy of the International Mind | |
Lien Verpoest (University of Leuven), Diplomacy Going Native? The Role of Local Cultural and Scientific Networks in Russian Diplomacy (1760-1815) |
On site: University of Turku, Publicum-building, Pub 5 lecture room
PANEL 3.2.3. Brokers of Global Asia II: Entangled Diplomatic Norms, Practices, and Symbolic Interaction
Chair: ??? | |
Discussant: Birgit Tremml-Werner (Linnaeus University) | Jenny Huangfu Day (Skidmore University), A Mediating between “Humanity” and “Rule of Law”: Sino-British Diplomats and the Debate over Judicial Torture and Extradition, 1866-1885 |
Naoko Shimazu (Asia Research Institute, Yale-NUS College), To be the Most Perfect Host: General Tojo and the Greater East Asia Conference of 1943 | |
Isami Sawai (Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan/Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University), ‘Jiaoshe交渉’, ‘Kōshō交際’, and ‘Gyorin交隣’: The Transitional Styles of East Asian Foreign Policy-making, the 1860s-70s. | |
Houssine Alloul (University of Amsterdam), (No) Ambassadors of Modernity: Habitus, ‘Interculturality’, and the Ottoman Diplomatic Venture Into Europe, 1832-1914 |
On site: University of Turku, Turku School of Economics, lecture room Ls 07
Giles Scott-Smith, Kenneth Weisbrode, Louis Clerc
On site: University of Turku, Educarium building, EDU 2 lecture room