Professor Hans Blombergs presentation (Reglerteknik 2), TKK 6.5.1966. Archive of Aalto University.

Call for Papers – Deadline extended!

We now welcome presentation proposals for the next Nordic TAG Conference, themed Archaeology/Heritage. We have a variety of interesting sessions concerning both theoretical and very practical entanglements of archaeology and politics, identity and inclusion/exclusion, archaeology and creativity, archaeology of animals and plants as well as heritage of Nuclear Power. The conference will be in-person.

Abstracts are sent directly to the session organisers, who accept the papers and decide the running order of the presentations. Abstract should be max. 300 words. Please note that among the sessions there are workshops, that do not need presentation proposals. See the contact information of the corresponding session organiser in the table below. The abstracts for the sessions can be read from the PDF.

The call for papers will close on 1 December 17 December 2023 and the acceptances will be distributed before 22 December.

If you have general questions about the conference, please email them to the

Session details_table

Session abstracts_pdf


Preliminary programme

Wednesday, 6 March


Keynote lecture


Thursday, 7 March

Sessions 1-5

Nordic TAG Open meeting

Conference dinner

Friday, 8 March

Sessions 6-9

Evening programme

Saturday, 9 March
