Mental health promotion
The aim is to examine mental health literacy of individuals and populations, and positive mental health and mental health promotion of people with or without chronic conditions. The aim is also to evaluate mental health promotion activities at the national, regional, and local levels.
We investigate e.g. mental health literacy of young people and young adults, resilience of young people with T1D, and health promotion activities, e.g. anti-bullying activities of schools.
Doctoral researchers:
- Anne-Mari Survonen: The resilience in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
- Anita Ahlstrand: Involvement of clients, social and healthcare students and senior lecturers in mental health service co-creation
- Veera Repo-Väätäinen: Adverse childhood experiences in out-of-home care and home-based adolescent populations – trends, health-related outcomes and support
Researchers / master students:
- Petra Raatikainen: Nuorten avun ja tuen saanti mielialaoireiluun koulussa
- Elisa Kaihlamäki: Sosiodemografisten tekijöiden yhteys koettuun sosiaaliseen tukeen pandemia-aikana suomalaisilla 18–28-vuotiailla opiskelijoilla