Koulun turvallisuuskulttuuria arvioimassa: aineistona koulun turvallisuustoimijoiden ryhmähaastattelut [Focus group interview data: Assessing safety culture at schools]


Koulun turvallisuuskulttuuria arvioimassa: aineistona koulun turvallisuustoimijoiden ryhmähaastattelut [Focus group interview data: Assessing safety culture at schools]


B. Somerkoski, E. Lindfors, J. Kokki


School safety studies usually focus on the number of safety incidents or the monitoring of injuries. In the academic year 2022–2023, we carried out an intervention in 14 Finnish comprehensive schools with the aim of developing the safety culture of the school organization. In the article, we describe the changes we observed
after the intervention in the focus group interviews in the focus groups´ safety talk. 139 people (DATA I n=96; DATA II n=43) participated in the interviews. The theoretical framework included elements of a school safety culture summarized from research literature: safety management, prevention, ensuring competence, and
a social safety environment. We use theory-driven content analysis to analyse focus group interview data based on four elements of safety culture and a five-step safety culture quality scale.

School-specific research permits were obtained for the study and research bulletins were prepared. The starting points for storing and archiving material were included in the data management plan. The focus group interviews were conducted at 14 schools twice. The schools were primary schools (grades 0-6) (n=8), secondary schools (grades 7-9) (n=4) and comprehensive schools (grades 0-9) (n=2). The total number of students in the research schools was 5,947. Each
school invited 6-8 participants for a focus group interview.

After the intervention, a change in the safety culture for all four elements was observed in the safety talk of the focus groups. The most significant change was related to safety management. This was reflected in the systematic implementation of safety measures and an increase in systematic and the introduction of safety tools. After the intervention, an intensification of safety-related interaction within the organisation was observed, for example, safety measures had begun to be implemented through a team structure. Involvement of students in security issues increased. More resources were used to collect and process safety
incident data. This allowed for a proactive approach to safety management. At the heart of the change was the school’s principal, who decided on and directed as and
administrative boundaries to promote safety. The research is part of the Success in school safety (ONNI) programme.

Keywords: safety culture, focus group interview, safety talk, comprehensive education

More information:

Somerkoski, B., Lindfors, E., & Kokki, J. (2025). Koulun turvallisuuskulttuuria arvioimassa: aineistona koulun turvallisuustoimijoiden ryhmähaastattelut [Focus group interview data: Assessing safety culture at schools]. Journal of Social Medicine62(1), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.23990/sa.145066