Piloting Safety Notice Reporting on Comprehensive Education Students


Piloting Safety Notice Reporting on Comprehensive Education Students


M. Leino, E. Lindfors, E. Luukka


Safety education is a combination of values and attitudes wherein safety is considered important and unnecessary risks are not accepted. The aim of safety education is to develop knowledge of proactive and reactive safety measures and procedures, combined with skills, and a will to act safely in an authentic situation. Students’ role as part of safety culture is vital because they make up the majority of people in school. Therefore, it is likely that students also make a majority of safety observations in schools. Examining students’ safety notice reports as expressions of school safety culture benefits safety education by offering a timely picture of students’ real-world safety issues and giving practical examples of what issues are important to address in teaching safety. To recognise timely topics on safety education in comprehensive education, our study asks: What kind of safety observations do comprehensive education students consider worth filing when using an online safety reporting form? The data consist of safety notice reports (N=60) filed by comprehensive school students between November 2022 and June 2023. The safety notices were collected using an online form accessed through a web-application and via one of the pilot schools’ own safety notice reporting system. Safety notices could concern events and observations made by the reporting individual or be made on behalf of another to keep the reporting threshold low. The safety notice reports were analysed and classified according to dimensions of safety in learning environments.

Keywords: Safety Education, Safety Notice Reporting, Comprehensive Education, Safety Competence

More information:

Leino, M., Lindfors, E., & Luukka, E. (2024). Piloting Safety Notice Reporting on Comprehensive Education Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research12(5), 114–123. https://doi.org/10.13189/ujer.2024.120503