
On what grounds can we claim that there is causality between polemical texts and persecution? From the High Middle Ages onwards, European Christians increasingly engaged in both verbal and physical violence against heretics, Jews, Muslims, and others they perceived as religious enemies, but in which ways did hostile rhetoric actually contribute to persecution?  This is the core research problem of PERSECUTIO.

The project is based on the extensive collection of structured data about polemical texts, their manuscript witnesses, acts of persecution as well as persons and institutions involved.  The objective is to observe and explore the causal mechanisms between polemics and persecution both quantitatively and qualitatively. The project is the first step in a broader re-evaluation of the causes of persecution in the Middle Ages.

The project leader is Docent Reima Välimäki, and the project is based at the Department of History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Turku. Currently, the research is funded by the Research Council of Finland (Academy Fellowship 2023–2027), grant number 356086) and the University of Turku

On this page, updates on the project’s publications, data and events will follow. If you’re interested in collaborating, please contact the PI Reima Välimäki.