The Third International Workshop and School on Reaction Systems

Announcement: Due to the current situation related to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak (including international travel restrictions, national restrictions on public events, and very strict university regulations), the RS2020 event has been canceled.

3rd International Workshop on Reaction Systems


2nd School on Reaction Systems

Turku, Finland, June 1-5, 2020


Since their introduction about 10 years ago, reaction systems matured into a fruitful and dynamically evolving research area, which attracted a noticeable group of researchers. The original motivation was to understand interactions of biochemical reactions in the living cell and since then reaction systems have developed as an innovative approach to formal modelling of biological systems. They have also become a popular novel model of interactive computation.

Due to growing interest in this research area, the need has arisen to organise a periodic workshop providing a forum for exchanging research ideas and, hopefully, initiating new and/or strengthening already existing collaborative research efforts. The first workshop took place in Milano, Italy, June 2018 ( and the second in Toruń, Poland, June 2019 ( The third edition of the workshop will take place in Turku, Finland, in the period June 1-5, 2020.

The meeting in Turku will consist of a school and a workshop. Both are of interest to computer scientists and mathematicians (PhD students and researchers) interested in models of computation as well as bioinformaticians and biologists interested in foundational / formal understanding of biological processes.



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