Announcement: Due to the current situation related to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak (including international travel restrictions, national restrictions on public events, and very strict university regulations), the RS2020 event has been canceled.
The 2020 School on Reaction Systems will take place Monday, June 1st through Wednesday, June 3rd. The school program consists of tutorial lectures accessible also to participants who are not yet familiar with reaction systems. They will cover the biological aspects of reaction systems, the computational aspects of reaction systems (reaction systems as a model of interactive computation), and the relationship of reaction systems to other models of computation.
Information about the participation fees will be available soon.
List of lectures (preliminary)
- G. Rozenberg, Leiden, The Netherlands. Introduction to reaction systems
- L. Manzoni, Trieste, Italy. State sequences of reaction systems
- D. Besozzi, Milano, Italy. Biological aspects of reaction systems
- J. Kleijn, Leiden, The Netherlands. Evolving reaction systems
- Ł. Mikulski, Toruń, Poland Equivalences for reaction systems
- G. Rozenberg, Leiden, The Netherlands. Qualitative vs. quantitative reaction systems
- W. Penczek, Warsaw, Poland. Logics for reaction systems (model checking)
- P. Milazzo, Pisa, Italy. Genetic regulatory networks
- P. Bottoni, Rome, Italy. Networks of reaction systems
- H.-J. Kreowski, Bremen, Germany. Graph-based reaction systems
- G. Rozenberg, Leiden, The Netherlands. Zoom structures and exploration systems
- A. Paun, Bucharest, Romania. Membrane systems
- M. Koutny, Newcastle, United Kingdom. Petri nets and reaction systems
- L. Manzoni, Trieste, Italy. Cellular automata, dynamical systems, and reaction systems
- A. Yakovlev, Newcastle, UK. Asynchronous computation
- Ł. Mikulski, Toruń, Poland Reversible computation