Selected Publications
⚬ G. S. Lima, V. R. Cota, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent Control to Suppress Epileptic Seizures in the Amygdala: In Silico Investigation Using a Network of Izhikevich Neurons, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 33:868-880, 2025. [Link]
⚬ S. Salimi, S. Salimpour, J. P. Queralta, W. M. Bessa, T. Westerlund: Benchmarking ML Approaches to UWB-Based Range-Only Posture Recognition for Human Robot-Interaction, IEEE Sensors Journal 25(1):1350-1358, 2025. [Link]
⚬ S. V. A. Laakso, A. Mityakov, T. Niinimaki, K. B. Ribeiro, W. M. Bessa: Hybrid FE-ML model for turning of 42CrMo4 steel, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 55:333-346, 2024. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, M. A. Savi, W. M. Bessa: Adaptive control of cardiac rhythms, Scientific Reports 14:23284, 2024. [Link]
⚬ L.-W. Hsu, C. S. Parchegani, K. B. Ribeiro, W. M. Bessa, A. Salminen: Evaluation of different surface topography measurement methodologies for characterizing weld beads in shipbuilding, Procedia CIRP 124:536-539, 2024. [Link]
⚬ H. H. L. Nunez, L.-W. Hsu, K. B. Ribeiro, A. Salminen, W. M. Bessa: In-situ monitoring and online prediction of keyhole depth in laser welding by coaxial imaging, Procedia CIRP 124:793-796, 2024. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, V. R. Cota, W. M. Bessa: In Silico Application of the Epsilon-Greedy Algorithm for Frequency Optimization of Electrical Neurostimulation for Hypersynchronous Disorders, Computational Neuroscience, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 2108, 2024. [Link]
⚬ J. Heilala, A. Salminen, W. M. Bessa, J. Kantola: The Exploratory Impact of Technology, Organizational Concepts, and Employee Training on Business Performance, Journal of Economics, Business and Management 12(2):109-116, 2024. [Link]
⚬ J. Heilala, A. Salminen, W. M. Bessa, J. Kantola: An Exploratory Analysis of Supply Chain Contract on Efficiency, Simulation, and Data analytics Augmentation Technologies, Journal of Advanced Management Science 12(1):8-13, 2024. [PDF]
⚬ G. S. Lima, M. A. Savi, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent control of cardiac rhythms using artificial neural networks, Nonlinear Dynamics 111:11543-11557, 2023. [Link]
⚬ V. H. Mochi, H. H. L. Nunez, K. S. B. Ribeiro, G. S. Venter: Real-time prediction of deposited bead width in L-DED using semi-supervised transfer learning, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (129), 5643–5654, 2023. [Link]
⚬ K. S. B. Ribeiro, H. H. L. Nunez, Venter, H. R. Doude, R. T. Coelho: A hybrid machine learning model for in-process estimation of printing distance in laser Directed Energy Deposition, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (127), 3183–3194, 2023. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, L. S. Cadengue and A. C. Luchiari: Fish and chips: Using machine learning to estimate the effects of basal cortisol on fish foraging behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17:1028190, 2023. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, V. R. F. Moreira and W. M. Bessa: Accurate trajectory tracking control with adaptive neural networks for omnidirectional mobile robots subject to unmodeled dynamics, JBSMSE/Springer 45:48, 2023. [Link]
⚬ J. Heilala, A. Salminen, W. M. Bessa, J. Kantola: Optimizing Smart Factories: A Data-Driven Approach, Global Journal of Research in Engineering G: Industrial Engineering 23(3): 15-30, 2023. [PDF]
⚬ J. L. C. B. Farias, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent Control with Artificial Neural Networks for Automated Insulin Delivery Systems, Bioengineering 9(11):664, 2022. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, G. S. Lima: Intelligent Control of Seizure-Like Activity in a Memristive Neuromorphic Circuit Based on the Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 12(4):54, 2022. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, W. M. Bessa: Sliding Mode Control with Gaussian Process Regression for Underactuated Mechanical Systems, IEEE Latin America Transactions 20(6), 963-969, 2022. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, D. R. Porto, A. J. de Oliveira, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent control of a single-link flexible manipulator using sliding modes and artificial neural networks, Electronics Letters 57(23), 869-872, 2021. [Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, S. Trimpe, W. M. Bessa: Sliding Mode Control with Gaussian Process Regression for Underwater Robots, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 99, 487-498, 2020. [Link]
⚬ L. S. Cadengue, G. S. Lima, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent Depth Control of Underwater Robots using Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2020. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, S. Otto, E. Kreuzer, R. Seifried: An adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for uncertain underactuated mechanical systems, Journal of Vibration and Control 25(9), 1521-1535, 2019. [Link]
⚬ J. D. B. dos Santos, W. M. Bessa: Intelligent control for accurate position tracking of electrohydraulic actuators, Electronics Letters 55(2), 78-80, 2019. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, G. Brinkmann, D.-A. Duecker, E. Kreuzer, E. Solowjow: A Biologically Inspired Framework for the Intelligent Control of Mechatronic Systems and its Application to a Micro Diving Agent, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v. 2018, Article ID 9648126, 2018. [Link]
⚬ G. Brinkmann, W. M. Bessa, D.-A. Duecker, E. Kreuzer, E. Solowjow: Reinforcement Learning of Depth Stabilization with a Micro Diving Agent, ICRA 2018 – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, May 21-25, 2018.[Link]
⚬ G. S. Lima, W. M. Bessa, S. Trimpe: Depth Control of Underwater Robots Using Sliding Modes and Gaussian Process Regression, IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2018. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, E. Kreuzer, J. Lange, M.-A. Pick, E. Solowjow: Design and Adaptive Depth Control of a Micro Diving Agent. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2(4) 1871-1877, 2017.[Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, A. S. de Paula, M. A. Savi: Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of a chaotic pendulum with noisy signals. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 94(3) 256-263, 2014.[Link]
⚬ A. S. de Paula ; M. V. S. dos Santos, M. A. Savi, W. M. Bessa: Controlling a Shape Memory Alloy Two-Bar Truss Using Delayed Feedback Method. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, p. 1440032, 2014. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, A. S. de Paula, M. A. Savi: Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of smart structures. The European Physical Journal. Special Topics 222, 1541-1551, 2013. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, M. S. Dutra, E. Kreuzer: Dynamic Positioning of Underwater Robotic Vehicles with Thruster Dynamics Compensation. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10(9), 2013. [Link]
⚬ M. C. Tanaka, J. M. M. Fernandes, W. M. Bessa: Feedback Linearization with Fuzzy Compensation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 8(5) 736-743, 2013. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, A. S. de Paula, M. A. Savi: Sliding mode control with adaptive fuzzy dead-zone compensation for uncertain chaotic systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 70(3) 1989-2001, 2012. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, R. S. S. Barrêto: Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of uncertain nonlinear systems. Controle & Automação 21(2) 117-126, 2010. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, M. S. Dutra, E. Kreuzer: An adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for remotely operated underwater vehicles. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58(1) 16-26, 2010. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, M. S. Dutra, E. Kreuzer: Sliding Mode Control with Adaptive Fuzzy Dead-Zone Compensation of an Electro-hydraulic Servo-System. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 58, 3-16, 2010. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, M. S. Dutra, E. Kreuzer: An adaptive fuzzy dead-zone compensation scheme and its application to electro-hydraulic systems. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 32(1) 1-7, 2010. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa: Some remarks on the boundedness and convergence properties of smooth sliding mode controllers. International Journal of Automation and Computing 6(2) 154-158, 2009. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, A. S. de Paula, M. A. Savi: Chaos control using an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller with application to a nonlinear pendulum. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 42(2) 784-791, 2009. [Link]
⚬ W. M. Bessa, M. S. Dutra, E. Kreuzer: Depth control of remotely operated underwater vehicles using an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(8) 670-677, 2008. [Link]