
In Smart Systems, we are actively engaged in educational programmes at three levels:

Master’s Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering: Smart Systems

The studies in Smart Systems provide a wide range of cutting-edge knowledge and helps you step through the doors of the fourth industrial revolution.

For more information:

Application Information

Study Guide (2022-2024)



In order to meet the current demands of modern industry, the Smart Systems track gives access to courses in robotics, mechatronics, machine learning, intelligent control, among others.

KTEK0011 Digital Factory

KTEK0036 Smart Systems Engineering

KTEK0038 Intelligent Control

KTEK0039 Smart Systems Modelling

KTEK0053 Mechatronics

KTEK0054 Robotics

KTEK0055 Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineering

KTEK0065 Hands-on Smart Systems