SustainLANG-project, 2024–2028
There is tremendous potential to implement education for sustainable development (ESD) in language education, as
the pedagogical processes of language teaching and ESD are complementary.
The SustainLANG-project aims to
- study the integration of sustainable development goals (SDGs) into language teaching and learning at different educational levels in Finland
- examine the practical implementation of ESD in language classrooms and teaching materials
- map the extent of ESD and language teachers’ and learners’ attitudes towards it using a large-scale questionnaire
- develop an innovative theory- and practice-driven ESD implementation model for language teaching and learning
This project will provide new insights into the current state of and possibilities for ESD in language education in Finland, which can be adapted internationally. The aim is to promote change in language education theory and practices.
The SustainLANG-project received funding by the Research Council of Finland (2024–2028) .
Project director: Minna Maijala
SustainLANG-team: Salla-Riikka Kuusalu, Päivi Laine, Pekka Lintunen, Eva Malessa, Maarit Mutta, Loretta Saikkonen
Collaborators include
- Niklas Gericke: Professor in science education and the director of the Research Centre of Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education Research at Karlstad University, Sweden
- Leena Maria Heikkola: Professor of Finnish and the Kven language at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø
- Mike Nelson: Director of the Centre for Language and Communication Studies (CeLCS) at the University of Turku
- Arran Stibbe: Professor of ecological linguistics at the University of Gloucestershire
Visuals: Gerard Cornella @geco.gec0 for Fine Acts @fineacts x OBI