Bachelor's programmes
Bachelor’s in Sustainable and Social Entrepreneurship | by the programme staff
If the buttons above do not work, you can copy these to your browser: Recording: Coming soon!Presentation: https://www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/SustainableandSocialEntrepreneurshipBScPresentationSlides.pdf Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Sustainable and Social Entrepreneurship. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your...
Bachelor’s in Information and Communication Technology | by programme staff
If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/67340439329 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Information and Communication Technology. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when...