Master’s in Human Neuroscience | by the programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/62898821273 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Human Neuroscience. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when becoming...

International Master’s in Management of IT & Master’s in IT for Enterprise Management | by the programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://tilburguniversity.zoom.us/j/9162525807?pwd=YmROalhQNm1kVVgzUGQ2WWRiZGxzZz09&omn=82214673480 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to International Master in Management of Information Technology & Information Technology for Enterprise Management. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme,...

Funds and fees: what does it cost to study in Turku? | by Admission Services

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/69049392676 Join this interactive webinar for introduction to funds needed for applying to Finnish universities and to start your studies at the University of Turku. At the end of the webinar, there will be time for your questions! Save the webinar...

Joint Master’s in European Languages, Cultures and Societies in Contact | by the programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/61267859249 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to European Languages, Cultures and Societies in Contact. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your...

Coffee & Chat with Admissions

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/63301113708 Coffee & Chat with Admissions is a relaxed 30-minute daily hangout with the Admission Services staff. Join the Coffee & Chat Zoom to ask any questions you might still have after following the webinars, or just to have an engaging conversation about...

RECORDING: Master’s in Biomedical Imaging | by the programme staff

If the buttons above do not work, you can copy these to your browser: Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Biomedical Imaging. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when becoming their...

Master’s in Inequalities, Interventions, and New Welfare State | by the programme staff

If the buttons above do not work, you can copy these to your browser: Recording: Coming soon!Presentation: https://www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/INVEST_Webinar%20UTU%20Virtual%20Open%20Week%202024.pdf Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Inequalities, Interventions, and New Welfare State. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain,...

Master’s in Health Technology | by the programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/65349746385 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Health Technology. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when becoming...

Bachelor’s in Sustainable and Social Entrepreneurship | by the programme staff

If the buttons above do not work, you can copy these to your browser: Recording: Coming soon!Presentation: https://www.utu.fi/sites/default/files/public%3A//media/file/SustainableandSocialEntrepreneurshipBScPresentationSlides.pdf Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Sustainable and Social Entrepreneurship. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your...

Student budget and financial matters | by current students

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/64291475018 Wondering what it costs to live and study in Turku, Finland? This webinar is your go-to guide for managing finances as an international student! Our current students will share real-life insights into living costs, from housing and groceries to transportation,...

Bachelor’s in Information and Communication Technology | by programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/67340439329 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Information and Communication Technology. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when...

Master’s in Education and Learning | by the programme staff

If the hyperlink above does not work, you can copy this to your browser: https://utu.zoom.us/j/65842413837 Join this interactive webinar for an in-depth introduction to Education and Learning. Meet the programme’s administrative and academic staff, and participate in the discussion about the strengths of the programme, the knowledge you gain, and your future career prospects when becoming...