Steering Group
The Steering Group of the Wave Riders, appointed by the Head of the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies at the University of Turku, constitutes the principal decision-making body for the activities of the research center. The members of the committee consist of researchers and teachers from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.
- Adjunct Professor, Dr. Otto Latva, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku (Director)
- Dr. Kirsi Sonck-Rautio, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku (Vice-Director)
- Doctoral Researcher, MA Aino Jämsä, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku
- Adjunct Professor, University Teacher (fixed-term), Dr. Jaana Kouri, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku
- Adjunct Professor, Dr. Silja Laine, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku
- Doctoral Researcher, M.Soc.Sc.m Jolanda Linsén, Environmental and Marine Biology/ Sea and Maritime Studies, Åbo Akademi University
- Associate Professor, Dr. Anna Törnroos-Remes, Environmental and Marine Biology / Sea and Maritime Studies, Åbo Akademi University
- Adjunct Professor, University Lecturer, Dr. Elina Valovirta, Department of English and Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS), University of Turku
- Doctoral Researcher, MA Katrina Virtanen, School of History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Turku