Plenary speakers

The plenary speakers are Andrea Révész (University College London), Jarmo Harri Jantunen (University of Jyväskylä) and Marjut Johansson (University of Turku).

Andrea Révész, University College London

“Investigating second language speaking and writing processes: Methodological possibilities and challenges”

Andrea Révész is a Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the IoE, University College London. Her main research interests lie at the interfaces of second language acquisition, instruction, and assessment, with particular emphases on the roles of task and cognitive individual differences in second language acquisition. More recently, she has also begun investigating the neurocognitive processes underlying second language speaking and writing performance. Her work has appeared in international journals such as Applied Linguistics, Applied Psycholinguistics, Language Learning, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, TESOL Quarterly, and The Modern Language Journal. She is the incoming editor of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics and serves as associate editor of the journal Studies in Second Language Acquisition and co-editor of the John Benjamins Task-based Language Teaching series. She is past president of the International Association for Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). She is a winner of the 2017 TBLT Best Research Article Award and a recipient of the 2018 TESOL Award for Distinguished Research.

Jarmo Harri Jantunen, University of Jyväskylä

“Queerejä näkökulmia kieleen ja kielinäkökulmia queereihin”

Jarmo Harri Jantunen is Professor of Finnish language at the University of Jyväskylä Department of Language and Communication Studies. Their research has dealt with the phraseological aspects of language from many perspectives, and has often employed corpus methodologies. In their recent research, Jantunen has examined both cities and neighbourhoods as well as gender and sexual minorities from the perspectives of attitudes, inclusion, stigmatisation, and segregation.

Marjut Johansson, University of Turku

Marjut Johansson works as Professor of French Studies and as the Head of the School of Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Turku. They are currently researching AI-based interaction, especially human–robot interaction in foreign language learning contexts. Johansson also studies transformations of online news discourse, social media discussions, and multimodal digital texts. In addition, their research interests include language use in professional and expert contexts, multilingualism, and language practices and policies – currently, they are working on the topic of Finnish foreign language education policies.