
Research results of the APPLE research project are published in international scientific publication series. The theses are published in accordance with the universities own publishing practices. In addition, research results are presented at scientific conferences and seminars.


Peer-reviewed international articles

Ståhlberg-Forsen, E.M., Aija, A., Kaasik, B., Latva, R., Ahlqvist-Björkroth, S., Toome, L., Lehtonen, L. & Stolt, S., 2021. The validity of the Language Environment Analysis system in two neonatal intensive care units. Acta Paediatrica, 2021;00:1-7.

Ståhlberg-Forsén, E., Latva, R., Leppänen, J., Lehtonen, L., & Stolt, S. (2022). Eye tracking based assessment of lexical processing and early lexical development in very preterm children. Early Human Development, 170, 105603–105603.

Ståhlberg‐Forsén, E., Latva, R., Aija, A., Lehtonen, L., & Stolt, S. (2023). Language environment and parent‐infant close contact in neonatal care and emerging lexical abilities of very preterm children–a longitudinal study. Acta Paediatrica, 112(4), 659–666.

Vaaras, E., Ahlqvist-Björkroth, S., Drossos, K., Lehtonen, L. & Räsänen, O., 2023. Development of a speech emotion recognizer for large-scale child-centered audio recordings from a hospital environment. Speech Communication, 2023, 148, 9-22.


International Oral Presentations and Poster Presentations

Aarnos, L., Ahlqvist-Björkroth, S., Aija, A., Lehtonen, L., 2021. Parental speech in NICU: Is it modified by SSC or holding? Oral poster presentation at 8th SCENE Symposium.

Aarnos, L., Ahlqvist-Björkroth, S., Aija, A., Lehtonen, L., 2021. Parental speech in NICU: Is it modified by SSC or holding? Oral presentation at 4th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS).

Ståhlberg-Forsen, E. M., Latva, R., & Stolt, S., 2021. Validity of the Language Environment Analysis in two neonatal intensive care units supporting parent-infant closeness. Poster presented at the 2021 Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial poster session.

Ståhlberg-Forsen, E. M., Latva, R., & Stolt, S., 2021. The validity of the Language ENvironment Analysis system in the Finnish neonatal intensive care unit: preliminary findings. Poster presented at the Virtual International Association for the Study of Child Language Conference 2021 poster session.

Vaaras, E., Ahlqvist-Björkroth, S., Drossos, K., Räsänen, O., 2021. Automatic Analysis of the Emotional Content of Speech in Daylong Child-Centered Recordings from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Ståhlberg-Forsen, E., Latva, R., & Stolt, S. (2022). Early Lexical and Social Communication Development in Very Preterm Children. The Eighth European Network Meeting on Communicative Development Inventories EUNM-CDI.

Ståhlberg-Forsén, E., Latva, R. Leppänen, J., & Stolt, S. (2022). Early lexical processing, lexical and social communication skills in very preterm children-preliminary findings. The 11thCongress of European Speech and Language Therapy.

Aija, A., Leppänen, J., Aarnos, L., Hyvönen, M., Ståhlberg-Forsén, E., Stolt, S., Toome, L., Lehtonen, L. (2022). Parents’ vocal contact in the neonatal unit and infant’s face preference at 7 months. The 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies.

Ståhlberg-Forsén, E. & Stolt, S. (2023). Associations between language environment in the neonatal intensive care unit and early lexical abilities of very preterm children. The 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders 2023.



Hämäläinen, E., 2021., Pikkukeskosen keskola-aikainen ääniympäristö : LENA-menetelmän validiteetin arviointia. Master of Arts Thesis, University of Helsinki

Rinne, P., 2021., Pikkukeskosena syntyneiden lasten sanaston prosessointitaidot ja niiden yhteys ilmaistun sanaston kehitykseen puolitoistavuotiaana. Master of Arts Thesis, University of Helsinki.

Siirilä, K., 2019., Language Environment Analysis (LENA)  -menetelmän validiteetti keskosvauvojen ääniympäristön arvioinnissa. Master of Arts Thesis, University of Turku.

Vaaras, E., 2021., Automatic Emotional Speech Analysis from Daylong Child-Centered Recordings from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Master of Science Thesis, Tampere University.