Research group
Principal investigators

- Professor, Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University of Turku
- Head of the Division of Neonatology at Turku University Hospital
- Principal Investigator of APPLE (I & II)

- Associate Professor, Logopedics, University of Helsinki
- Principal Investigator of APPLE II
Liisa Lehtonen, MD, Professor of Paediatrics, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital
Suvi Stolt, PhD, Associate Professor of Logopedics, University of Helsinki
Liis Toome, MD, Specialist in paediatrics, Tallinn Children’s Hospital
Sari Ahlqvist-Björkroth, PhD, Psychologist, University of Turku
Jukka Leppänen, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Turku
Okko Räsänen, Associate Professor of Computing Sciences, Tampere University
Birgit Kaasik, Speech therapist, Tallinn Children’s Hospital
Minna Paaso, Research nurse, Turku University Hospital
Doctoral students
Anette Aija, PhD student, MD, Specialist in paediatrics, University of Turku
Eva Ståhlberg-Forsén, PhD student, Speech therapist, University of Helsinki
Einari Vaaras, M.Sc. (Tech), University of Tampere
Master’s thesis students
Kati Siirilä, MA (Psych)
Ella Hämäläinen, MA (Speech-Language Pathology)
Pauliina Rinne, MA (Speech-Language Pathology)
Mirka Hyvönen, Master’s thesis student (Psychology)
Laura Aarnos, Bachelor of Medicine, M. Sc. (Tech), licentiate student
Research cooperation
Reija Latva, MD, Chief Physician, Child Psychiatry