India’s economic multilateralism in the Indo Pacific: Abundant cautionReena Marwah Professor Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi India
Critical minerals needed for India’s green transitionRajesh Chadha Senior Fellow Centre for Social and Economic Progress New Delhi, India Ganesh Sivamani Research Associate Centre for…
The North American Free Trade Agreement 1.0 and 2.0Gilbert Gagné Professor and Chair Department of Politics and International Studies, Bishop’s University Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Director Research Group on…
Pandemic agreements: The trade connectionKent Jones Professor of Economics Babson College USA
The European Union’s phase of powerRicardo Borges de Castro Associate Director and Head of the Europe in the World Programme European Policy Centre Belgium
Making sense of the U.S.-China trade warKa Zeng Distinguished Professor Department of Political Science, University of Arkansas USA
The necessary extension of the WTO Moratorium on E-CommercePascal Kerneis Managing Director European Services Forum (ESF) Brussels, Belgium
The efficacy of sanctions – case RussiaHanna Mäkinen Project Researcher Pan-European Institute University of Turku Finland
The geopolitical situation brings uncertaintyLenita Toivakka Director, International Affairs Finland Chamber of Commerce Finland
Digital policy: Weapon of choice for EU global leadershipMirela Mărcuț Dr., Lecturer University of Oradea, Romania