Materiaalikemian laitteita
Attension Theta Optical Tensiometer. Measures static and dynamic contact angle, surface free energy, surface and interfacial tension, 3D surface roughness and interfacial rheology.
Ellipsometer Sentec SE400, allows measuring refractive index, extinction coefficient, and film thickness of single films and layer stacks.
Bruker FTIR, with ATR and Vibrational Circular Dichromism attachments, VCD, and Polarization Modulation Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy, PM-IRRAS attachment: used for the characterization of thin films or monolayers of adsorbed matter on metal surfaces. In situ spectroelectrochemistry.
Renishaw Qontor inVia Raman microscope, mapping and confocal analysis possible, temperature cell, excitation lasers 364 nm, 532 nm, 633 nm, and 785 nm.; In situ spectroelectrochemistry.
Park Systems NX10 Atomic force microscope. Measurement modes: non-contact, contact, tapping, Kelvin probe, conductive AFM, nanoindentation, liquid cell and electrochemistry cell. Includes optical microscope.