Prof. Lauri Ojala: The impact of COVID-19 on global supply chains and the transport sector UPDATE 14/05/2020

Prof. Lauri Ojala, University of Turku

Impact of COVID-19 on global supply chains and the transport sector

This updated (14 May 2020) set of 33 slides provides a broad view of COVID-19 impacts on world economy and trade using the very latest available sources. It also presents impacts on supply chains and contains a large number of relevant sources of data and other updates. The previous versions are found in the archive.

Download the new updated presentation here.

Prof. Lauri Ojala

Lauri Ojala is Professor of Logistics at the Turku School of Economics, University of Turku (FI) since 1997. Adjunct Professor of Logistics at Linköping University (SE) and at National Defence University (FI). CEO of logscale oy, a supply chain compliance consultancy.

His fields include international logistics, maritime and port economics, and he has worked as an expert for The World Bank, EC, ADB, OECD and UNECE, and for Ministries of Transport of several countries. Initiator of WB’s biennial Logistics Performance Index  since 2007. He also heads the biennial Finnish Logistics Surveys, which comprise the largest national logistics survey database in the world.

Since 2006, Project Director of five EU-projects with a combined volume of 16+ M€, incl. Baltic Sea Region projects HAZARD on Seaport Safety & Security in 2016-2019 and OIL SPILL on combatting coastal oil spills in 2018-2021.

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