Accessibility and equality of higher education in Finland and the reference countries

The project is funded by the Finnish Government and will be implemented as a consortium of the universities of Turku and Tampere during 2020.

The purpose of the GATE project is to address the problem of unequal distribution of educational opportunities. The project explores the state of equality in higher education in Finland at the turn of the 2020s and maps ways to improve equal access to higher education. The state of equality in higher education in Finland is also reflected to the state of equality of other EU countries. It is compared specifically with the state of equality in Sweden, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The project also analyzes the policies and means of promoting equal opportunities in education in these three reference countries. In addition, the project studies how these policies function and what is their applicability to Finland. Particular attention shall be paid to social, regional, linguistic and gender equality and the effectiveness of measures to improve the equality of immigrants and persons with disabilities.


  • University researcher Hanna Nori, University of Turku (principal investigator)
  • Doctoral candidate Henna Juusola, University of Tampere
  • University lecturer, docent Vuokko Kohtamäki, University of Tampere
  • University researcher Anu Lyytinen, University of Tampere
  • Professor Jussi Kivistö, University of Tampere

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