Saikkonen, K., O. Saikkonen, M. Helander and I. Saloniemi (accepted) Betula pendula survival and growth in treeline is affected by genotype and environment. Scientific Reports,
Kaakinen, K., S. Ramula, O.J. Loukola, M. Helander (2024) Effects of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicide on learning and memory of the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 172, 324-333
Saikkonen, K., T. Birge, B. Fuchs, M. Helander, J.A. Ihalainen, R. Nissinen and P. Puigbo (2024) Toward an integrated understanding of how extreme polar light regimes, hybridization, and light-sensitive microbes shape global biodiversity. One Earth, 7, 1529-1541.
Birge, T., I. Saloniemi, K. Saikkonen and M. Helander (2024) Greenhouse study and interviews indicate glyphosate residue via feed-feces-fertilizer route is a risk for horticultural producers using manure-based fertilizer. Environmental Science Europe, 36, 147
Fuchs, B., M. Helander, K. Saikkonen, P.I. Dobrev, R. Vankova, J.D. Blande, J.P. Salminen, N. Luntamo, and A. Muola (2024) Plant metabolic responses to soil herbicide residues differ under herbivory in two woodland strawberry genotypes. Science of the Total Environment, 946, 174198
Mathew, S.A., A. Jeevannavar, M. Helander, M. Tamminen, P. Puigbò, M. Rainio, K. Saikkonen and B. Fuchs (2024) Glyphosate residues in soil and phosphate fertilizer affect foliar endophytic microbial community composition and phytohormone levels in potato. Phytobiomes Journal, 8, 598-610
Muola, A., Birge, T., Helander, M., Mathew, SA., Harazinova, V., Saikkonen, K., Fuchs, B., 2023. Endophytic Beauveria bassiana induces biosynthesis of flavonoids in oilseed rape following both seed inoculation and natural colonization Pest Management Science 80, 2461-2470
Helander, M., Jeevannavar, A., Kaakinen, K., Mathew, SA., Saikkonen, K., Fuchs, B., Puigbò, P., Loukola, OJ., Tamminen, M., 2023. Glyphosate and a glyphosate-based herbicide affect bumblebee gut microbiota FEMS Microbiology Ecology, fiad065
Fuchs B., Saikkonen K., Damerau A., Yang B., Helander M., 2023. Herbicide residues in soil decrease microbe-mediated plant protection. Plant Biology 25 (4), 571-578
Rainio M.J., Margus A., Tikka S., Helander M., Lindström L., 2023. The effects of short-term glyphosate-based herbicide exposure on insect gene expression profiles. Journal of Insect Physiology 146: 104503
Mathews, S.A., Fuchs, B., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M., Puigbo, P., Nissinen, R., Muola, A. 2023. Glyphosate-based herbicide use affects individual microbial taxa in strawberry endosphere but not the microbial community composition. Journal of Applied Microbiology lxad006
Mathew, S.A., Helander, M., Saikkonen, K., Vankova, R., Dobrev, P., Dirihan, S., Fuchs B. 2023. Epichloë endophytes shape the foliar endophytic fungal microbiome and alter the auxin and salicylic acid phytohormone levels in two meadow fescue cultivars. Journal of Fungi 9 (1), 90
Kalske, A., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M. 2023. Endophytic Fungus Negatively Affects Salt Tolerance of Tall Fescue Journal of Fungi 9 (1), 14
Keronen S., Helander, M., Saikkonen K., Fuchs B. 2023. Management practice and soil properties affect plant productivity and root biomass in endophyte-symbiotic and endophyte-free meadow fescue grasses Journal of Sustainable agriculture and Environment. 2: 16-25
Ruuskanen, S., Fuchs, B., Nissinen, R., Puigbò, P., Rainio, M., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M., 2023. Ecosystem consequences of herbicides: the role of microbiome. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 0. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2022.09.009
Helander, M., Lehtonen, T.K., Saikkonen, K., Despains, L., Nyckees, D., Antinoja, A., Solvi, C., Loukola, O.J., 2023. Field-realistic acute exposure to glyphosate-based herbicide impairs fine-color discrimination in bumblebees. Science of The Total Environment 857, 159298. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159298
Laihonen, M., Rainio K., Birge, T., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M., Fuchs, B. 2022. Root biomass and cumulative yield increase with mowing height in Festuca pratensis irrespective of Epichloë symbiosis. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1-10
Fuchs, B., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M., Tian, Y., Yang, B., Salminen, J-P., Muola, A. 2022 Legacy of agrochemicals in the circular food economy: Glyphosate-based herbicides introduced via manure fertilizer affect the yield and biochemistry of perennial crop plants during the following year. Chemosphere, 136366.
Ramula S., Kalske A., Saikkonen K., Helander M. 2022 Glyphosate residues in soil can modify plant resistance to herbivores through changes in leaf quality. Plant Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/plb.13453
Mathew S.A., Muola A., Saikkonen, K., Saloniemi I., Helander M. & Puigbò P. 2022 Quantification of the Potential Impact of Glyphosate-Based Products on Microbiomes. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove, 10 Jan 2022, (179) DOI: 10.3791/63109
Puigbo P., Leino L.I., Rainio M.J., Saikkonen K., Saloniemi I., Helander M., 2022. Does Glyhosate Affect the Human Microbiota? Life. 12(5), 707; https://doi.org/10.3390/life12050707
De-la-Cruz I.M., Batsleer F., Bonte D., Diller C., Hytönen T., Muola A., Osorio S., Posé D., Vandegehuchte M.L. & Stenberg J.A. 2022. Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Arthropod Interactions in Light of the “Omics” Sciences: A Broad Guide. Front. Plant Sci. 13:808427. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.808427
Ruotsalainen A. L., Kauppinen M., Wäli P. R., Saikkonen K., Helander M. & Tuomi J. 2022. Dark septate endophytes: by-product mutualists and tomorrow’s mycorrhizal symbionts? Trends in Plant Science 27 (3): 247-254. doi: 10.1016 / j.tplants.2021.10.001.
Fuchs B., Laihonen M., Muola A., Saikkonen K., Dobrev P. I., Vankova R., Helander M. 2022. A glyphosate-based herbicide in soil differentially affects hormonal homeostasis and performance of non-target crop plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:787958. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.787958
Laihonen, M., Saikkonen, K., Helander, M., Vázquez de Aldana, B.R., Zabalgogeazcoa, I., Fuchs, B., 2022. Epichloë endophyte-promoted seed pathogen increases host grass resistance against insect herbivory. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:786619. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.786619
Schott, J., Fuchs, B., Böttcher, C., Hilker, M., 2022. Responses to larval herbivory in the phenylpropanoid pathway of Ulmus minor are boosted by prior insect egg deposition. Planta 255, 16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-021-03803-0