Breast cancer story on differential regulation of Notch family members in pressOur story is now in press in Journal of Biological Chemistry on how PIM-dependent phosphorylation promotes breast cancer cell growth…
New targets identified for PIM kinases to regulate tumorigenic growthOur data on the regulatory cross-talk between PIM, LKB1 and AMPK kinases has been preprinted in In Review and is…
A novel mechanism published for PIM kinases to enhance cell motility In our article published Aug 8, 2020 in Cell Communication and Signaling, we describe actin capping proteins as novel PIM…
ToxElegans project chosen to the SPARK programAs newly selected SPARKees, we will continue development of indoor air diagnostics with the help of fluorescent C. elegans nematodes. Our aim…
Our previous paper is well-citedOur article from 2015 is among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE papers, describing the ability of PIM kinases…
Data on the role of NFATC1 phosphorylation publishedIn our article published Nov 15, 2019 in Cell Communication and Signaling, we describe identification and functional validation of ten…
Our first C. elegans paper published 2019Sukkulamatojen avulla uutta tietoa hajuaistin säätelystä (26.8.2019) New information on regulation of sense of smell with the help of nematodes…