Rescue Deparment of Satakunta making documentary for children

Young children are interested in the activities of fire and rescue services, especially in the engines, equipment and profession of fire fighters. As part of Kidisafe programme Rescue Department of Satakunta will produce a short documentary film for young children.  By showing the activities at the fire station the aim is to raise the awareness of fire safety.

The documentary will be utilized as safety education for young children. The pilot audience will be the children in Early Childhood and Teacher Education Centre (ECTEC) Rauman pikkunorssi. Special emphasis is put on the questions children ask while watching the film.

Risk management team in Rescue Department of Satakunta  is regularly posting in social media. These posts will be presented more closely later on.

Making of the documentary for young children. Mikko Puolitaival (left) and Jarno Heinilä from Rescue Department of Satakunta.