fi: tyylitelty graafi GenoGraphiX-LOG-ohjelmasta / en: illustration of a graph from GenoGraphiX-LOG software


Multilingual writers’ writing processes: graph-theory based visualisation of formulaic sequences and fluency patterns

KISUVI research

Multilingual writers’ writing processes: graph-theory based visualisation of formulaic sequences and fluency patterns (KISUVI)

KISUVI research, funded by Kone Foundation, is a four-year project launched in the School of Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Turku, Finland in January 2022. The project focuses on the study of writing fluency in first and foreign languages, in particular on the use of formulaic sequences.

This mixed-method project uses the graph theory-based keystroke logging software GGXLog, whose visualisation functions provide a new approach to the analysis of writing processes. It also allows a more precise definition of formulaic sequences in languages belonging to different typological families. The results of the project will contribute to the knowledge on the development and fluency of multilingual writers. The results will help educators and policy makers to design and develop teacher training and modern digital learning materials.

Project director: Maarit Mutta, maarit.mutta(at)

KISUVI Team: Anni Hintikka (2022–2023), Sinikka Lahtinen (2022–2024), Päivi Laine, Sanni Linnasaari (2024–), Mari Mäkilä, Katja Mäntylä, Antti Suomela (2023–), Outi Toropainen, Anne-Maj Åberg

Project funding: Kone Foundation 2022—2025