KISUVI prominently featured at Research Day (UTU)

Principal investigator Maarit Mutta discussing writing processes at Research Day on April 26th 2024. (Photo: Antti Suomela)

An expert audience gathered to learn about multilingual writing fluency as KISUVI researchers presented the project during the annual Research Day, organised by the University of Turku School of Languages and Translation Studies and the Utuling doctoral programme.

Postdoctoral researcher Anne-Maj Åberg giving their presentation on writing fluency of multilingual second language learners. (Photo: Antti Suomela)

The presentation Flytet i skrivprocesserna hos flerspråkiga andraspråksinlärare by Anne-Maj Åberg and Mari Mäkilä elaborated on multilingual second language learners’ writing fluency in Swedish, English, and German. Åberg and Mäkilä’s material consists of five university students’ recorded writing processes and subsequent interviews. The writing process was recorded using the GenoGraphiX-Log keystroke logging software, based on graph theory. Åberg and Mäkilä say the writers’ fluency was highest in English while Swedish was the most challenging language. The interviews indicate that command of vocabulary and incidental everyday language use affect fluency.

KISUVI’s poster presentation, introduced by principal investigator Maarit Mutta, gave an overview of the materials and methods used in the project. (Photo: Antti Suomela)

Meanwhile, KISUVI’s poster presentation introduced materials and methods used in the project. Examples from the material illustrated the many uses of the material in both research and teaching. Adding to the visual impact of the poster were graphs produced by the GenoGraphiX-Log keystroke logging software, which enables not only the study of various phases in the writing process, but also process visualisation.

Monikielisten kirjoittajien kirjoitusprosessit: kirjoittajuuden rakentuminen
Maarit Mutta, Päivi Laine, Mari Mäkilä, Anne-Maj Åberg, Outi Toropainen, Katja Mäntylä & Antti Suomela
Research Day, Utuling and School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku
26 Apr 2024

Flytet i skrivprocesserna hos flerspråkiga andraspråksinlärare
Anne-Maj Åberg & Mari Mäkilä
Research Day, Utuling and School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku
26 Apr 2024