Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut
Hankkeen teemoja koskevat julkaisut (2020-):
Koivula, A. & Räsänen, P. & Marttila, E. & Sedgwick, D. & Hawdon, J. (2023). COVID-19 compliance and media consumption: A longitudinal study of Finland and the US during the first and second waves of COVID-19. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
Kestilä-Kekkonen, E*., & Koivula, A.*& Tiihonen, A. (2022) When trust is not enough. A longitudinal analysis of political trust and political competence during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland. European Political Science Review (*Contributed equally)
Koivula, A. & Malinen, S.& Saarinen, A. (2022) The voice of distrust? The relationship between political trust, online political participation and voting. Journal of Trust Research
Sedgwick, D., Hawdon, J., Räsänen, P., & Koivula A. (2021) The Role of Collaboration in Complying with COVID-19 Health Protective Behaviors: A Cross-National Study. Administration & Society.
Oksanen, A., Kaakinen, M., Latikka, R., Savolainen, I., Savela, N., & Koivula, A. (2020). Regulation and trust: COVID-19 mortality in 25 European countries. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
Muut median käyttöä tai mediavaikutuksia koskevat julkaisut (2021-):
Lybeck, R. & Koiranen, I. & Koivula, A. (2023) From divides to capital: Assessing digital inequality frameworks for understanding the prerequisites for social media participation. Universal Access in the Information Society
Malinen, S., Koivula, A., Keipi, T., Saarinen, A. (2022). Shedding Light on People’s Social Media Concerns Through Political Party Preference, Media Trust, and Immigration Attitudes. In: Conrad, M., Hálfdanarson, G., Michailidou, A., Galpin, C., Pyrhönen, N. (eds) Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Latikka, R. & Koivula, A. & Oksa, R., & Savela, N. & Oksanen, A. (2022) Loneliness and Psychological Distress Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Relationships With Social Media Identity Bubbles. Social Science and Medicine
Malinen, S. 2022. Moderation of deliberation: How volunteer moderators shape political discussion in Facebook groups? In Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Human-computer Interaction (HCII2022)
Marttila, E. & Koivula, A. & Räsänen, P. (2021): Cybercrime victimization and problematic social media use: Findings from a nationally representative panel study. American Journal of Criminal Justice
Marttila, E., & Koivula, A., & Räsänen, P. (2021) Does excessive social media use decrease subjective well-being? A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between problematic use, loneliness and life satisfaction. Telematics & Informatics
Koivula, A., Oksanen, A., Sirola, A., Savolainen, I., Kaakinen, M. Zych, I., Paek, H-J. (2021). Life satisfaction with gambling communities: a cross-national study of excessive gambling actives among Finnish, South-Korean, Spanish and American emerging adults. Journal of Gambling Studies.
Kaakinen, M., Koivula, A., Paasonen, I., Sirola, A., Mikkola, M., Oksanen, A., Zych, I., Paek, H.-J. (2021). Online Dating Applications and Risk of Youth Victimization: A Lifestyle Exposure Perspective. Aggressive Behaviour
Åberg, E. and Koivula, A.(2021), ”The Ouroboros of Seeking Validation? Exploring the Interconnection of Appearance (Dis)satisfaction and Content Creation on Social Media”, In: Sarpila, O., Kukkonen, I., Pajunen, T. and Åberg, E. (Ed.) Appearance as Capital, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 117-134.
Koiranen, I. & Koivula, A. & Malinen, S. & Keipi, T. (2021) Undercurrents of echo chambers and flame wars: party political correlates of social media behaviour. Journal of Information Technology & Politics
Sarpila, O., Koivula, A., & Åberg, E. (2022) Did the pandemic increase social media-induced appearance pressures? A longitudinal analysis of social media caused appearance-related pressures before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. SocArXiv / INVEST Working papers
Koivula, A., Räsänen, P., Salminen, N., Marttila, E. & Koiranen, I. (2021) Digiajan ensimmäinen pandemia: havaintoja ja tulkintoja Covid-19-kriisistä väestötason seuranta-aineiston perusteella. Sosiaalitieteiden laitoksen julkaisuja (1). Turun yliopisto: Turku.
Koivula, A., Vainio, E., Sivonen, J. & Uotinen, J. (2020) Research Report on the Finland in the Digital Age Round 3 Panel -survey. Working Papers in Economic Sociology (XIV). University of Turku: Turku.
Yleistajuiset kirjoitukset
Latikka, R. & Koivula, A. (2022). Sosiaalinen media on kaksiteräinen miekka yksinäisyyden torjunnassa, Alio, Turun Sanomat 2/2022
Esitelmät tieteellisissä konferensseissa ja seminaareissa:
Koivula, A. (9/2023) Navigating Uncertainty: Longitudinal relationship between Political Trust, Government Satisfaction and Political Competence. ECPR General Conference 2023, Prague
Marttila, E. (9/2023) Does news framing affect citizens’ attitudes towards restricting the unvaccinated? An experiment on moderating effect of trust in institutions. ECPR General Conference 2023, Prague
Koivula, A. (5/2023) Trust silences: a longitudinal relationship between political trust and political in social media during the Covid-19 pandemic. ICA 2023, Toronto
Marttila, E. (3/2023 ) Framing non-compliant health behavior: an experimental study on the effects of political trust and news framing on attitudes towards the unvaccinated. Sosiologipäivät, Tampere
Malinen, S. (2/2023) Uudet mielipidevaikuttajat sosiaalisessa mediassa. XLIII kansainvälinen VAKKI-symposiumi, Vaasa
Malinen, S. (11/2022) Sosiaalinen media vaikutuskanavana pandemian aikana: pitkittäistutkimus suomalaisille sosiaalisen median käyttäjille. Informaatiotutkimuksen päivät, Tampere
Malinen, S. (10/2022) The effect of political trust on online influencing behavior: A four-wave panel study of Finnish social media users. ECREA Conference 2022, Aarhus
Marttila, E. (10/2022) Framing, Emotions, and Moral and Political Attitudes: An Experimental Study of Views Relate to Unvaccinated in Finland. ECREA Conference 2022, Aarhus
Koivula, A. & Marttila, E. (8/2022) Framing, Emotions, and Moral and Political Attitudes: An Experimental Study of Views Relate to Unvaccinated in Finland. ECPR Conference 2022, Innsbruck
Koivula, A. (11/2021) Project presentation: KRIME – The impact of crisis communication on political trust and risk perceptions in the hybrid media. Annual Research Seminar of Economic Sociology (Turun yliopisto)
Koivula, A. (4/2021) Luottamus ja solidaarisuus korona-aikana. TCWR-seminaari: Koronan hyvinvointi- ja eriarvoisuusvaikutukset Suomessa (Turun yliopisto)