
From one neighbourhood to another – Implementing a citizen survey in the Urban Biodiversity Parks -project
Ulrika Stevens, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku The Skanssi biodiversity park in Turku is being developed into...
Landscape values and tourism development preferences in the Archipelago Sea Biosphere Reserve in Finland
Liliana Solé, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku The researchers Liliana Solé and Nora Fagerholm from the Sustainable...
We successfully finalized the GreenPlace Project with an inspiring seminar on 27.8.2024
Carolin Klonner and Nora Fagerholm of Geography and Geology, University of Turku The last event of the GreenPlace project took...
People standing under decidious trees in an urban park next to the Turku art museum. It is summer.
Deep down, what do other species and nature mean to us?
Nora Fagerholm and Claudia Krohn, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku In the MUST project, we aim to...
Two people standing and waiting for the train.
Keeping it cool! – Pondering the ecological and social sustainability of traveling by land to an international conference
Johanna Jämsä, Salla Eilola and Nora Fagerholm Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku The 10th Nordic Geographers Meeting...
Identifying citizens’ mobility patterns in Finnish cities – introducing Transformative Cities
Last autumn, 26,000 residents of Oulu, Espoo, and Lahti received personal invitations to participate in a mobility lifestyle study. We...
Locally relevant environmental changes in Northern Scandinavia
Salla Eilola, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku Post-doctoral researcher Salla Eilola and Associate Professor Nora Fagerholm have...
Tackling crises as a sustainability researcher?
Carolin Klonner & Salla Eilola, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku Several Sustainable Landscape Research group members participated...
Researcher interviewing a person in sunny summer day in the road middle of fields. Sky is half cloudy and forest area is far distant.
In the landscapes of Rauvolanlahti, the user preferences of the area and the challenges of the place are explored
Currently, we are conducting a survey in Rauvolanlahti in order to find out the ways of using the area and...
Kuuntele Tiedelinja: Ketokukista laatikkoviljelyyn – miten hyödymme kaupunkien vehreydestä?
Turun yliopiston Tiedelinjalla tutkijat keskustelevat ajankohtaisista aiheista. Kuuntele Tiedelinja: Ketokukista laatikkoviljelyyn – miten hyödymme kaupunkien vehreydestä? Mitä vehreys ja lähiluonto merkitsee...
During the pandemic, outdoor recreation increased at sites offering multiple cultural ecosystem service benefits in Turku
Read the related article here The results of the map-based survey data collection in relation to outdoor recreationduring the covid-19...
Pandemic urban resilience in the Nordic context: a cross-city analysis on associations between outdoor recreation and green infrastructure
Read the related article here Recent empirical research has confirmed the importance of green infrastructure and outdoor recreation to urban...
Three people's silhouettes next to night sky after a sun set.
Not all pleasant – Taking the eudaimonic view on nature and well-being
Think about a sweaty hike, with pouring rain and sore feet. Not so pleasant in the moment, but can make...