Banner picture includes three images. First A map from Turku area shows mapped points. Secondly two person around planning workshop. Thirdly a photo shows two mapped location points.




Solé, L., Hearn, K.P., Witra, T., Lechner, A.M. & Fagerholm, N. (2025). Balancing landscape values and tourism choices: Integrating participatory mapping and the IPBES Values Typology. Ambio.

Romelli, C., Anderson, C.C., Fagerholm, N., Hansen, R. & Albert, C. (2025). Why do people visit or avoid public green spaces? Insights from an online map-based survey in Bochum, Germany. Ecosystems and People, 21, 2454252.

Raymond, C.M., Rautio, P., Fagerholm, N., Aaltonen, V.A., Andersson, E., Celermajer, D., Christie, M., Hällfors, M., Saari, M.H., Mishra, H.S., Lechner, A.M., Pineda-Pinto, M. & Schlosberg, D. (2025). Applying multispecies justice in nature-based solutions and urban sustainability planning: Tensions and prospects. npj Urban Sustainability, 5, 1–9.

Vainio, K.K., Takala, T., Limpens, J. et al. Green companions: Affordances of human–tree relationships. Ambio (2025).


Nasya, B., Ura, L., Stevens, U., Körner, R., & Vurucu, Y. (2024). Youngsters’ right to the city. In Placemaking in Practice Volume 2 (pp. 121–145). BRILL.

Sahle, M., Lahoti, S.A., Lee, SY. et al. Revisiting the sustainability science research agenda. Sustain Sci (2024).

Gheitasi, M., Serrano Giné, D., Fagerholm, N. & Pérez Albert, Y. (2024). Using Public Participation GIS to Assess Effects of Industrial Zones on Risk and Landscape Perception: A Case Study of Tehran Oil Refinery, Iran. Earth 2024, 5, 371-387.

Gottwald, S., Kołodyńska, I., Buchecker, M., Di Masso, A., Fagerholm, N., Frąckowiak, M., Hakkarainen, V., Kajdanek, K., Lau, U., Manzo, L.C., Ortiz-Przychodzka, S., Pearson, J., Quinn, T., Rogowski, Ł., Stedman, R., Stewart, W.P., Trąbka, A., Williams, D.R., von Wirth, T., Zawieska, J. & Raymond, C.M. (2024). Bridging senses of place and mobilities scholarships to inform social-ecological systems governance: A research agenda. Applied Geography 167, 103286.

Eilola, S., Horstkotte, T., Forbes, B.C., Habeck, J.O., Komu, T., Rasmus, S. & Fagerholm, N. (2024). Perceptions on and impacts of environmental changes under multiple stressors: a case study from two communities in northern Fennoscandia. Regional Environmental Change

Kajosaari, A., Hasanzadeh, K., Fagerholm, N., Nummi, P., Kuusisto-Hjort, P. & Kyttä, M. (2024). Predicting context-sensitive urban green space quality to support urban green infrastructure planning, Landscape and Urban Planning, 242, 104952.

Gret-Regamey, A. & Fagerholm, N. (2024). Key factors to enhance efficacy of 3D digital environments for transformative landscape and urban planning. Landscape and Urban Planning 244, 104978.

Fagerholm, N., Lotsari, E., Nylén, T., Käyhkö, N., Nikander, J., Arki, V., & Kalliola, R. (2024). Self-assessment in student’s learning and developing teaching in geoinformatics – case of Geoportti self-assessment tool. Journal of Geography in Higher Education., 48, 414-444.

Baer, M., Wartmann, F., Fagerholm, N. & Purves, R. (2024) Extracting sensory experiences and cultural ecosystem services from actively crowdsourced descriptions of everyday lived landscapes, Ecosystems and People, 20:1, 2331761,


Fagerholm, N., Lotsari, E., Nylén, T., Käyhkö, N., Nikander, J., Arki, V. & Kalliola, R. (2023): Self-assessment in student’s learning and developing teaching in geoinformatics – case of Geoportti self-assessment tool. Journal of Geography in Higher Education.

Hasanzadeh, K., Fagerholm, N., Skov-Petersen, H., Stahl Olafsson, A. (2023). A methodological framework for analyzing PPGIS data collected in 3D. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16, 3435-3455.

Kyttä, M., Fagerholm, N., Hausner, V.H., Broberg, A. (2023). Maptionnaire. In: Burnett, C.M. (eds) Evaluating Participatory Mapping Software. Springer, Cham.

Liu, Y., Fagerholm, N., Skov-Petersen, H., Beery, T., Wagner, A.M. & Stahl Olafsson, A. (2023). Shortcuts in urban green spaces: An analysis of incidental nature experiences associated with active mobility trips. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 82,127873

Eilola, S., Jaalama, K., Kangassalo, P., Nummi, P., Staffans, A. & Fagerholm, N. (2023). 3D visualisations for communicative urban and landscape planning: What systematic mapping of academic literature can tell us of their potential? Landscape and Urban Planning, 234, 104716.

Kantola, S., Fagerholm, N. & Nikula, A. (2023). Utilization and implementation of PPGIS in land use planning and decision-making from the perspective of organizations. Land Use Policy 127, 106528.

Beery, T., Stahl Olafsson, A., Gentin, S., Maurer, M., Stålhammar, S., Albert, C., Bieling, C., Buijs, A., Fagerholm, N., Garcia-Martin, M., Plieninger, T., & Raymond, C. (2023). Disconnection from nature: Expanding our understanding of human–nature relations. People and Nature, 00, 1– 19.


Fagerholm, N., Samuelsson, K., Eilola, S. et al. (2022). Analysis of pandemic outdoor recreation and green infrastructure in Nordic cities to enhance urban resilience. npj Urban Sustainability 2, 25.

Hasanzadeh, K. & Fagerholm, N. (2022). A learning-based algorithm for generation of synthetic participatory mapping data in 2D and 3D. Methods X 9, 101871.

Jaalama, K., Rantanen, T., Julin, A., Fagerholm, N., Keitaanniemi, A., Virtanen, J.P., Handolin, H., Vaaja, M. & Hyyppä, H. (2022). Auditing an urban park deck with 3D geovisualization—A comparison of in-situ and VR walk-along interviews. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 76, p.127712.

Olafsson, A.S., Purves, R.S., Wartmann, F.M., Garcia-Martin, M., Fagerholm, N., Torralba, M., Albert, C., Verbrugge, L.N., Heikinheimo, V., Plieninger, T. & Bieling, C., 2022. Comparing landscape value patterns between participatory mapping and geolocated social media content across Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, p.104511.

Verbrugge, L.N.H., Bjarnason, G., Fagerholm, N., Magnussen, E., Mortensen, L., Olsen, E., Plieninger, T., Raymond, C.M. & Stahl Olafsson, A. (2022) Navigating overgrazing and cultural values through narratives and participatory mapping: a socio-cultural analysis of sheep grazing in the Faroe Islands, Ecosystems and People, 18:1, 289-302,

Fagerholm, N., García-Martín, M., Torralba, M., Bieling, C. & Plieninger, T. (2022). Public participation geographical information systems (PPGIS): Participatory research methods for sustainability ‐ toolkit #1. GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 31:1, 46-48(3).


Grêt-Regamey, A., Switalski, M., Fagerholm, N. et al. (2021). Harnessing sensing systems towards urban sustainability transformation. npj Urban Sustainability 1, 40.

Gottwald, S., Albert, C. & Fagerholm, N. (2021). Combining sense of place theory with the ecosystem services concept: empirical insights and reflections from a participatory mapping study. Landscape Ecology

Fagerholm, N., Eilola, S. & Arki, V. (2021). Outdoor recreation and nature’s contribution to well-being in a pandemic situation – Case Turku, Finland. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 64, 127257.

Raymond, C., Verbrugge, L.N.H., Fagerholm, N., Olafsson, A., Magnussen, E. & Plieninger, T. (2021). Exploring senses of place through narratives of tourism growth and place changes: The case of the Faroe islands. In Raymond et al. (eds.) Changing Senses of Place: Navigating Global Challenges. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom. (PDF available upon request)

Rolo, V., Roces-Diaz, J.V., Torralba, M., Kay, S., Fagerholm, N., Aviron, S., Burgess, P., Crous-Duran, J., Ferreiro-Dominguez, N., Graves, A., Hartel, T., Mantzanas, K., Rosa Mosquera-Losada, M., Palma, J.H.N., Sidiropoulou, A., Szerencsits, E., Viaud, V., Herzog, F., Plieninger, T. & Moreno, G. (2021). Mixtures of forest and agroforestry alleviate trade-offs between ecosystem services in European rural landscapes. Ecosystem Services 50, 101318.

Arslan, S.E., Nordström, P., Ijäs, A., Hietala, R. & Fagerholm, N. (2021). Spatial distribution of perceived cultural ecosystem services in different land cover infrastructure types in urban and rural areas – case Kokemäki area, Finland, Landscape Research,

McPhearson, T., Raymond, C., Gulsrud, N., Albert, C., Coles, N. Fagerholm, N., Nagatsu, M., Olafsson, A.S., Soininen, N. & Vierikko, K.  (2021). Radical changes are needed for transformations to a good Anthropocene. Urban Sustainability

Fagerholm, N., Raymond, C. M., Olafsson, A. S., Brown, G., Rinne, T., Hasanzadeh, K., Broberg, A., & Kyttä, M. (2021). A methodological framework for analysis of participatory mapping data in research, planning, and management. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 00, 1–28.

Jaalama, K., Fagerholm, N., Julin, A., Virtanen, J-P., Maksimainen, M. & Hyyppä, H. (2021). Sense of presence and sense of place in perceiving a 3D geovisualization for communication in urban planning – Differences introduced by prior familiarity with the place. Landscape and Urban Planning 207,103996.


Karimi, A., Yazdandad, H. & Fagerholm, N. (2020). Evaluating social perceptions of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and land management: Trade-offs, synergies and implications for landscape planning and management. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101188.

Plieninger, T., Fagerholm, N. & Bieling, C. (2020). How to run a sustainability science research group sustainably? Sustainability Science 16, 321–328.

Hanspach, J., Haider, L.J., Oteros-Rozas, E., Olafsson, A.S., M. Gulsrud, N., Raymond, C.M., Torralba, M., Martín-López, B., Bieling, C., García-Martín, M., Albert, C., Beery, T.H., Fagerholm, N., Díaz-Reviriego, I., Drews-Shambroom, A. & Plieninger, T. (2020). Biocultural approaches to sustainability: A systematic review of the scientific literature. People & Nature 2020;00:1–17.

Fagerholm, N., Martín‐López, B., Torralba, M., Oteros‐Rozas, E., Lechner, A.M., Bieling, C., Olafsson, A.S., Albert, C., Raymond, C.M., Garcia‐Martin, M., Gulsrud, N. & Plieninger, T. (2020). Perceived contributions of multifunctional landscapes to human well‐being: Evidence from 13 European sites. People and Nature 2, 217-234.

Arki, V., Koskikala, J., Fagerholm, N., Kisanga, D. & Käyhkö, N. (2020). Associations between local land use/land cover and place-based landscape service patterns in rural Tanzania. Ecosystem Services 41, 101056.

Xu, H., Zhao, G., Fagerholm, N., Primdahl, J. & Plieninger, T. (2020). Participatory mapping of cultural ecosystem services for landscape corridor planning: A case study of the Silk Roads corridor in Zhangye, China. Journal of Environmental Management 264, 110458.


Plieninger, T., Torralba, M., Hartel, T., & Fagerholm, N. (2019). Perceived ecosystem services synergies, trade-offs, and bundles in European high nature value farming landscapes. Landscape Ecology, 1–17.

Eilola, S., Käyhkö, N., Ferdinands, A. & Fagerholm, N. (2019). A bird’s eye view of my village – Developing participatory geospatial methodology for local level land use planning in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Landscape and Urban Planning 190, 103596.

Fagerholm, N., Arki, V., Eilola, S., Kisanga, D. & Käyhkö, N. (2019). Place-based landscape services and potential for spatially sensitive participation in multifunctional rural landscapes in Southern highlands, Tanzania. Landscape Ecology 34, 1769-1787.

Viirret, E., Raatikainen, K.J., Fagerholm, N., Käyhkö, N. & Vihervaara, P. (2019). Ecosystem services at the archipelago sea biosphere reserve in Finland: A visitor perspective. Sustainability 11, 421.



Kivirinne, L., Rummukainen, V., ja Kangasniemi, V., Fagerholm, N.,  Eilola, S., Stevens, U. (2025). Urban Biodiversity Parks hankkeen alkukartoitus pilotti-alueille Halinen ja Jyrkkälä. Nykyiset luontoarvot ja potentiaaliset alueet luonnonmonimuotoisuutta lisääville toimenpiteille. Urban Biodiversity Parks -hankkeen julkaisu 2025.



Solé Figueras, L., Väänänen, K., Kostamo, J. & Fagerholm, N. Saaristomeren maisema-arvot ja tulevaisuuden kehitystoiveet (2023). Publications from the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Turku no. 19. OPEN ACCESS.


Eilola, S., Kollanen, P., & Fagerholm, N. (2021). Vehreytttä ja rentoa oleskelutilaa kaivataan Aninkaisten konserttitalon kortteliin – Raportti 3D-näkymiä pilotoivan asukaskyselyn tuloksista ja käyttökokemuksesta. Publications from the Department of Geography and Geology at the University of Turku no. 16. OPEN ACCESS.


Fagerholm, N., Eilola, S., Jämsä J. & Arki, V. (2020). Turkulaisten ulkoilu ja kaupunkiluonnon merkitys koronakeväänä 2020. Turun kaupunkitutkimuksen Tutkimusraportteja-sarja 3/2020. OPEN ACCESS.


UTU Geospatial Data Service


Seminar June 15, 2022: Digital 3d visualizations for enhanced participation in urban and landscape planning. Seminar program available here. Note talk by Jeff Kerby not included.

Story maps

Academic thesis

Doctoral theses

Eilola, S. (2020). Village landscape from near and far : Participatory geospatial methods to integrate local knowledge into formal land use planning in Tanzania. Doctoral thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.

Master’s theses

Heikkinen, E. (2023). Ulkoilun sekä siihen liittyvien maisema-arvojen ja aktiviteettien alueellinen sijoittuminen ja maankäyttö Pirkkalan kunnassa. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.

Nyman, J. (2020). Arkiympäristön vaikutus koululaisten aktiivisuuteen, hyvinvointiin ja terveyteen [Effect of everyday environment on school childrens’ physical activity, well-being and health]. Master thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.

A photo of a release from Salla Eilola's research; Village Landscape from Near and Far, Participatory geospatial methods to integrate local knowledge into formal land use planning in Tanzania. University of Turku publication.