Tutkimusyhteistyö / Research partners

Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Sampsa Hautaniemi, DTech, Bioinformatics
Dos. Liisa Kauppi, PhD, Genetics
Anna Vähärautio, PhD, Biotechnology
Prof. Olli Carpén, PhD, Pathology
Anniina Färkkilä, MD, PhD, Translational Gynecological Oncology
Dos. Jing Tang, PhD, Statistics
Anni Virtanen, MD, PhD, Pathology

DECIDER partners:

Institut Pasteur, France
Benno Schwikowski, PhD, Systems biology
Kræftens Bekæmpelse (Danish Cancer Society), Denmark
Prof. Tuula Kallunki, Biochemistry
Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
Prof. Julio Saez-Rodriguez
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Prof. Elisa Ficarra
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Spain
Prof. Fran Supek
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Prof. Salvador Capella
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Prof. Jussi Taipale
Diego Boscarino
2cureX A/S, Denmark
Prof. Ole Thastrup
Aiforia Technologies Oy, Finland
Kaisa Helminen
VEIL.AI Ltd, Finland
Tuomo Pentikäinen

Read more about DECIDER partners https://www.deciderproject.eu/partners/

Prof. Kim Petterson, Prof Urpo Lamminmäki, Biotechnology
Dos. Maija Hollmén, Institute of Biomedicine

UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN, Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC), Denmark
Dos. Krister Wennerberg, PhD, Biotechnology

Previous collaborators:

UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE, Department of Medical Scienes, Trieste, Italy
Prof. Giorgio Stanta, PhD, Pathology

ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Roma, Italy
Prof. Mauro Biffoni, PhD, Biotechnology

ZORA Biosciences oy
Dos. Mika Hilvo, PhD, Cancer biology, Head of Bioinformatics

Nightingale Health
Dr. Peter Würtz, FT, Biotechnology

University of Helsinki
Dos. Eija Pirinen, PhD, Molecular medicine
Dos. Kaisa Lehti, PhD, Biochemistry
Prof. Tero Aittokallio, PhD, Applied mathematics