ActivitiesNews pages of our recent activities and articles.2024 Conferences and seminarsMaantieteen Päivät / Finnish Geography Days 2024 (30-31.10.2024)Finnish Geography Days 2024 (30-31.10.2024)13th International Convention of Asia Scholars (28.7-1.8.2024)13th International Convention of Asia Scholars (28.7-1.8.2024)2023 Conferences and seminarsProject launch event “Good and bad palm oil” (1.12.2023)Project launch event “Good and bad palm oil”: 1.12.2023Maantieteen Päivät / Finnish Geography Days (8-10.11.2023)Maantieteen Päivät (Finnish Geography Days): 8-10.11.2023The 27th International Euro-Asia Research Conference (31.10-3.11.2023)The 27th Evolving Euro Asia Business Management Conference