30 October – 1 November: A session panel is held in Maantieteen päivät (Finnish Geography Days 2024), entitled Natural Resources and Environmental Policies, convened by Pratiwi & Leino.
PI Erja Kettunen presented “The palm oil debate: European NGOs as stakeholders in the policy dialogue” and Pratiwi presented “Stakeholders’ interest, networks and power in Indonesian palm oil governance and responses to EU Deforestation Regulation”.
28 July – 1 August: A session panel was held at the 13th International Convention of Asian Scholars Crossways of Knowledge in Surabaya, under Theme 1: Uneven Geographies, Ecologies, Technologies and Human Futures, entitled Seeds of change: Revitalizing Asian region food security through multi-stakeholder bargaining and initiatives.
PI Kettunen presented “The palm oil debate: European NGOs as stakeholders in the policy dialogue”, Adiputri presented “The Palm Oil debate and policy dialogue in Indonesia”, and Pratiwi presented “Fighting deforestation: Diffusion and adoption of agroforestry systems in networks in Indonesia”
10 June – 26 July: Fieldwork to interview palm oil stakeholders in Indonesia, also reported by local media:
CNBC (31.7.2024): Peneliti Finlandia Bongkar, Petani Tak Sadar Uni Eropa Jegal Sawit RI (translation: Finnish Researchers Reveal Farmers Unaware That the European Union is Blocking Indonesian Palm Oil).
Sawit Setara (31.7.2024): Erja Kettunen: Permasalahannya Adalah Minyak Sawit Indonesia Mendominasi Uni Eropa (translation: Erja Kettunen: The Problem Is Indonesian Palm Oil Dominates the European Union).
GIMNI (30.7.2024): Kunjungan Erja Kettunen dan Ayu Pratiwi ke Dewan Minyak Sawit Indonesia (DMSI) (translation: Erja Kettunen and Ayu Pratiwi’s Visit to the Indonesian Palm Oil Council (DMSI)).
Sawitku (1.8.2024): Bukan Motif Dagang, Begini Penjelasan Pengamat UE Terkait Kebijakan EUDR (translation: Not a Trade Motive, Here’s an EU Observer’s Explanation Regarding the EUDR Policy).
Warta Ekonomi (2.8.2024): Pengolahan dan Teknologi Sawit Indonesia Bikin Peneliti Finlandia Kagum (translation: Indonesian Palm Oil Processing and Technology Impress Finnish Researchers)
GAPKI (14.8.2024): DPMO With New Technology Seen More Profitable Than CPO
1 December: Project Launch at Kamari “The Chamber”, Helsinki and online (hybrid event). Please register here.
8 – 10 November: Finnish Geography Days 2023 – GEOGRAPHIES IN TIMES OF CRISES
The conference is organised jointly by the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies and the Karelian Institute at the University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu. We convene a panel session entitled “Stakeholder and policy responses to multidimensional food security challenges in diverse regions“.
1 – 3 November: A paper by Kettunen and Pratiwi (2023), “Good and bad palm oil: The EU-Indonesia bargaining on palm oil policy” is accepted for presentation at the 27th International Euro-Asia Research Conference Evolving Euro-Asia Business Management: Changing Political and Economic Perspectives, to be held in Casa Asia, Barcelona, Spain.
9 October: The PI (Erja Kettunen-Matilainen) gave the keynote lecture on “Good and bad palm oil” project at the Turku School of Economics, Department of Marketing and International Business annual seminar.
23 – 26 May: Sustainability Science Days 2023 -PATHWAYS OF HOPE – knowledge, actions, solutions
The conference is organised jointly by the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Aalto University. We convene a session entitled “Unpacking the scientific knowledge networks for sustainability transformation in Agri-Food system” together with Ruralia Insitute, University of Helsinki.
12 May: The PI (Erja Kettunen-Matilainen) will give a keynote lecture at the Palmen Colloquium of the Geographical Society of Finland, entitled “Economic geography perspectives on Internationalization, trade, and trade policy negotiations: Asia, palm oil and multi-stakeholder bargaining“.
3 – 21 April: The PI (Erja Kettunen-Matilainen) will be a visiting scholar at NIAS – Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen to work on a topic related to Indonesia-EU palm oil negotiations. The project is presented in NIAS Update; Just in time for Easter (