The 27th Euro-Asia Business Management Seminar: 31.10-3.11.2023

The seminar, held from 31.10 to 3.11, sheds light on the recent developments in Euro-Asian business and management, particularly examining how geopolitical shifts are profoundly affecting energy and food commodity markets. It delves into the intricacies the Euro-Asia continent is facing, which also alters global economic landscapes and trade dynamics. The Keynote Speech is delivered by Emeritus Professor Robert Taylor from Sheffield University.

The project PI, Erja Kettunen-Matilainen, and Ayu Pratiwi presented the preliminary findings of the project: the identification the “good” and “bad” of palm oil in the arguments in EU-Indonesia formal bargaining and public discourse. The EU-Indonesia communications are still ongoing related to the palm oil dispute. The findings indicate the EU having bargaining stronger power as exemplified in the new deforestation regulation, whereas this has spurred polarized sentiments amongst the Indonesian public.

The Research Seminar is held in Casa Asia in Barcelona, centering around the theme “Changing Political and Economic Perspectives”, and is a joint undertaking between University of Poitiers (France), Technological University Dublin (Ireland), The University of Limerick (Ireland), the University of Pau (UPPA, France), Yokohama National University (Japan), the Ruhr Universität Bochum (Germany), the School of Asian Studies and Business Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (Italy), Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (France), The School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield (U.K) and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Spain).