How well do you know yourself? Self-awareness is also helpful in job seeking

According to our graduates, the most important factor influencing employment is the ability to describe your own skills. How would you present yourself?

Studies are a good time to reflect on your own strengths and where you would like to improve. The better you can describe your skills, what you want to learn, and in what kind of environment you want to work in, the more likely you are to find a suitable job for yourself. It is easier for a recruiter to notice your strengths when you can describe them concretely.

Self-awareness also helps in performing job tasks. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can rely on your own skills and know when to ask for help.

How to recognize your own strengths?

Self-awareness often grows through experience as you become aware of your comfort zones in various situations. By venturing into uncomfortable situations or trying new things, you learn more about yourself and your abilities.

You can also approach your own strengths with the help of the following questions:

  • What roles do you have? What are you like with family or close friends, in studies, at work, or in hobbies?
  • What activities do you enjoy doing?
  • In what matters do others ask for your help?
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • In what situations have you received positive feedback?

Analysis of your own working strengths as a support method for self-awareness

This autumn Career Services offers students an analysis of their own working strengths free of charge. The analysis includes a short online section to be filled out in advance and a feedback discussion. In the feedback discussion, you’ll get your profile that shows your strengths and your way of working.

Career Services uses the Thomas PPA as an analysis tool. This tool is also used as an aid in recruitment. The analysis does not provide good or bad results. It can be an advantage in the recruitment process if your profile aligns well with the position you’re applying for. However, the results of the analysis are never used as the sole basis for recruitment.

The analysis is helpful in self-reflection and articulating your own strengths. Often, the analysis is also helpful with writing job applications and in interview situations. The analysis is a useful tool especially towards the end of your studies or if you already have some work experience.

Book an appointment for an analysis of your own working strengths on JobTeaser.

P.S. Career Services participates in the TYY Student Welfare Day on Tuesday, September 26, from 12:00 to 15:00 at Educarium and Publicum Square. At our booth, there will be discussion on strengths. Additionally, from 12:00 to 14:00, there will be pop-up career counseling available. Come say hi to us!