22.11.2019 Suvi et al. was granted 3-year, 200 000€ project grant from Emil Aaltonen Foundation to study the role of gut microbiome in adapting to changing environmentsSuolistomikrobien rooli sopeutumisessa vaihteleviin ympäristöolosuhteisiin Näkymättömiä naapureitamme mikrobeja on kaikkialla planeetallamme, ja niillä on tärkeä merkitys mm. terveyteemme. Mikrobiomin merkitys…
16.11.2019. Sequences for our project on epigenetics of pollution in wild great tit populations have been submitted to NCBI. One step closer to publication!
5.11.2019 Antoine presents our latest results and participates telomere workshop at the University of Glasgow
Field work on the effects of prenatal corticosterone on post-fledging juvenile survival and physiology has been completed!
24.10.2019 Suvi gives an invited seminar at University of St Andrews on thyroid hormones and life-history variation
New publication in Biology Letters: Plastic but repeatable: rapid adjustments of mitochondrial function and density during reproduction in a wild bird speciesStier, A., Bize, B., Hsu, B-Y., Ruuskanen, S. 2019. Plastic but repeatable: rapid adjustments of mitochondrial function and density during…
25.8.2019 Suvi, Tom, Bin-Yan, Antoine and Coline presented our recent results in ESEB2019Suvi, Tom, Bin-Yan, Antoine and Coline presented our recent results in ESEB2019
30.8.2019 Suvi presented an invited talk on thyroid hormones and life-history variation in EOU 2019Suvi presented an invited talk on thyroid hormones and life-history variation in EOU 2019