
The workshop will explore Hannah Arendt’s thinking particularly from the perspective of life narratives. The day will consist of a lecture by Professor Maria Tamboukou (University of East London) and other presentations by scholars working on Arendt. Workshop will be followed by book launch event.

Date & Venue: Tuesday 17 October 2017 at 11-15, Hovi, Artium

Please register for the seminar by sending an email to Nena Mocnik, nena.mocnik@utu.fi, by 13 October 2017.


11.00 Opening of the day (Hanna Meretoja and Maarit Leskelä-Kärki)

11.15-12.45 Prof. Maria Tamboukou (University of East London):

‘Who are you?’: narrative traces of uniqueness and plurality

12.45-13.30 Light lunch will be offered

13.30-14.10 Hanna Meretoja: Arendtian storytelling as a mode of non-subsumptive understanding

14.10-14.50 Aki-Elmeri Hyvönen: Understanding experience:  the limits and indispensability of narrative representation

At 15 Janus Hall: Book launch event

Kaisa Kaakinen: Comparative Literature and the Historical Imaginary: Reading Conrad, Weiss, Sebald. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Maarit Leskelä-Kärki: Toisten elämät. Kirjoituksia elämäkerroista. Avain, 2017.

Hanna Meretoja & Colin Davis (eds), Storytelling and Ethics: Literature, Visual Arts and the Power of Narrative. Routledge, 2017.

Nena Močnik: Sexuality After War: From Narrative to Embodied Research. Routledge, 2017.