Past events – 2022


Tuesday 25 January, 16–17 EET – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction


Camilla Mørk Røstvik (Lecturer in Modern & Contemporary Art History, University of Aberdeen) & Saniya Lee Ghanoui (Program Director of Our Bodies Ourselves Today, Suffolk University, Boston): “Arctic Periods: Transnational Knowledge about Menstrual History and Wellbeing (preliminary findings)” Link to registration:  




Monday 7 February, 3–4 pm – Cultural memory and social change reading group

Erll, A. (2008): Cultural Memory Studies: An Introduction. In A. Erll & A. Nünning (eds.), Cultural Memory Studies. De Gruyter. Chair: Hanna Meretoja (Professor, Literary Studies and Creative Writing) & Anne Heimo (Professor, Study of Cultures) Link to Zoom meeting:  


Tuesday 22 February, 16–17 EET – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction

Charlotte Kroløkke (Professor & Head of Cultural Studies, Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark): “Fertile Forever? Reproduction in the Age of Egg and Sperm Freezing” Link to registration:  



Monday 7 March, 3-4 pm EET – Cultural memory and social change webinar  

“THE CIRCULATION OF PSEUDOHISTORY IN THE 21ST-CENTURY INTERNET”, by Reima Välimäki, Postdoctoral Researcher, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies “REDISCOVERING IMAGINED ANCIENT RUSSIA”, by Teemu Oivo, Project Researcher, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland Link to Zoom meeting:  


Tuesday 29 March, 16–17 EEST – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction

Rene Almeling (Associate Professor of Sociology, Yale University): “GUYnecology: The Missing Science of Men’s Reproductive Health” Link to registration:



Monday 4 April, 3–4 pm – Cultural memory and social change reading group

Winning, J. (2020):  Trauma, Illness and Narrative in the Medical Humanities. In C. Davis & H. Meretoja (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Literature and Trauma, 266–274. Routledge.

Chair: Hanna Meretoja (Professor, Literary Studies and Creative Writing) & Sanna Salanterä (Professor, Clinical Nursing Science)

Link to Zoom meeting:


Tuesday 26 April, 14–16 EET – NORDIC VOICES – Online reading circle: Personal testimonies and museum communication

14:00-14:15 Anne Heimo (University of Turku) and Anne Brædder (University of Roskilde): Welcome and introduction to the NOS-HS network “Nordic Voices: The use of oral history and personal memories in public history settings.

14:15-14:40 Introductory round and 10minutes break

14:40-15:50: Discussion of the two texts, introduced by Iben Vyff (Museums of Elsinore & Roskilde University) and Anne Brædder.

  1. Anette Day (2009) “‘They listened to my voice’: The refugee communities history project and belonging: Voices of London’s refugees” in Oral History vol. 37:1 pp. 95-106
  2. Andrea Witcomb (2019): “Oral history and First-person Narratives in Migration Exhibitions: Tracking Relations Between ‘Us’ and ‘Them’” in Darian-Smith and Hamilton Remembering Migration pp. 203-217.

15:50-16:00 Anne Brædder: Wrapping up and final remarks

The reading circle will take place via zoom. Please register with Anne Brædder by April 22, 2022 if you wish to participate:

The zoom-link will be sent to registered participants on April 25, 2022. If you have trouble accessing the texts, please be in contact.


Tuesday 26 April, 16–17:30 EET – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction

Zaina Mahmoud (PhD Candidate, Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, School of Law, University of Exeter), Meera Somji (LSE), & Rhianna Ilube (Associate Director, Coney): “Surrogacy Act!”

Link to registration:



Tuesday 10 May, 15:30h – “Speak Up! Student Round Table” – Kirkjakahvila cafe, Turku

In this Round Table, four Students from different BA and MA will be giving short presentations about their theses and works in progress. They will give a 15-minute presentation each and afterwards, everybody in the audience will be able to participate in an open discussion about the questions and topics presented. Taking place in Kirjakahvila, we will have the chance to enjoy the afternoon also with some coffee or tea.

15:30 – Welcome and short presentation of SELM

15:45 – Presentations by Hilla Pohjalainen, Liisa Merivuori, Lasperii Kainulainen and Marta Girabal

17:00h – Round table and open discussion

17:45h – Round table finishes.




Wednesday 25 May, 15–17 EET – Cultural Memory and Social Change seminar: “Narrative Warfare: Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory in the Era of a New World Order”

In order to understand how Russia’s war in Ukraine is possible, it is important to analyse what kind of narratively mediated view of reality, conception of history, and national identity the Russian state-owned media has built and sustained for years. Competing narratives also play a central role in other major global crises of our times, such as the pandemic and ecological crisis. Cultural narratives shape social reality and they can be used as a weapon in moulding public opinion.  This seminar explores narrative warfare and the role of narratives as a means of building cultural memory and identity.

The seminar will take place in the Main building at the University of Turku, Lecture Room II, Säästöpankki (1st floor, Main Building, University Hill). For more information and link to registration, please click here.

You can follow the session here

Tuesday 31 May, 16–17 EET – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction

Charlotte Jones (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Wellcome Centre for Cultures and Environments of Health, University of Exeter): “Rethinking the ‘choice’ paradigm: Reproductive support and community solidarities for people with variations of sex characteristics”

Link to registration:




Tuesday 14th June, 12:15–16 EEST – INTERACT Seminar – Reading and Intersectionality

University of Turku, Arcanum A229

Online and in person prior registration (click here for Zoom registration, and here for in-person)

Originating from the long tradition of Black feminist social movements and literature, Intersectionality today is a research tool that conceptualizes the multiple, relational and complex workings of power connected to factors that are relevant to our socio-cultural experience. Intersectionality analyzes how those factors locate people differently in our social and cultural reality. Our project examines the ways literary studies might enable Intersectionality’s potential in understanding and unraveling those situated differences.

Our project tackles the challenge of inequality by imagining forms of literary activism. Our focus is to create intersectional reading practices that enable its potential in increasing social justice and educational democracy. We warmly welcome everybody to join our inaugural seminar!


12.15 – Kaisa Ilmonen (PI): Reading Intersectionality

12.45 – Marta-Laura Cenedese: Everyday Activism, Intersectionality, and the Medical Humanities

13.15 – Kaiju Harinen: Intersectionality ad hoc: towards a toolkit against discrimination

13.45 – 14.15 Coffee Break

14.15 – A. Khodyreva: Reading through Bodily Gerunds, Towards a More Liveable Worlding.

14.45 – Koko Hubara: Intersectionality as Lived Experience: Writing, Mothering, Daughtering: Intersections of Girl/Womanhood, Brownness and the Working class.

15.15 – Lotta Luhtala: Narrative Fiction as a Site of Activism. Veganism and the Question of the Animal


Tuesday 14th June, 18:30h – Presentation of Hanna Meretoja’s first novel: Elotulet

Turku City Library (Event hosted in Finnish)

We are very glad to announce that Anna-Riikka Carlson will interview SELMA’S director Hanna Meretoja in the presentation of her first novel, “Elotulet”. Please note that the event will be hosted in Finnish. You can find all the information here.






14–17 June IABA WORLD CONFERENCE 2022: Life-Writing: Imagining the Past, Present and Future

On 14–17 June 2022, the 12th International Association for Biography and Autobiography (IABA) World Conference will take place in Turku, Finland. The main organizer is the research centre SELMA – Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory, University of Turku.

The registration for the conference, that was originally meant to happen in June 2020, is now ongoing – please, follow IABA-Turku website to receive the latest news and updates about registration and programme. SELMA warmly welcomes life writing scholars to Turku in Summer 2022!

We are also looking for student volunters aiming to be part of it. Please, find here our open call to apply for these positions.


Tuesday 28 June, 16–17 EET – SELMA Medical Humanities Seminar – Season 3: (Counter)Narratives of Reproduction

A Conversation with Martin Winckler (author)

For the last seminar of this season, we will be in conversation with French/Canadian author and physician Martin Winckler. We will talk about reproductive rights, writing, and the intersections between medicine and literature.

Martin Winckler is a French M.D. and short story, novel and essay writer. His novels and essays address the French medical system, the relationships (and power struggles) between caregivers/physicians and patients, patient rights, and women’s health. Among his published works by P.O.L. are: La Vacation (1989); La Maladie de Sachs (1998, published in English as The Case of Dr Sachs, Seven Stories Press 2000); Les Trois Médecins (2004); Le Chœur des femmes (2009); En souvenir d’André (2012); L’Ecole des soignantes (P.O.L, 2019). His essay Les Brutes en Blanc (2016, “Brutes in white coats”) called out the institutionalized brutality of medical practice in France, which enraged the French medical establishment to the point that the “Ordre des médecins” (France’s medical regulatory board) issued a statement to condemn the book as “a caricature of reality”. Since then, many other publications have confirmed his descriptions and analyses. He is also the author of Contraceptions mode d’emploi (2001, 2003 and 2007) and most recently C’est mon corps. Tout ce que veulent savoir les femmes sur leur santé (L’Iconoclaste 2020). He writes on and tweets at @MartinWinckler.

Link to registration:



5th September, 15-16h pm, Finns in the Colonial World (Cultural Memory and social change Webinar)

Online event. Link to zoom meeting:

Leila Koivunen, Professor, European and World History, University of Turku
Raita Merivirta, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Languages and Translation Studies, University of Turku



3rd October, 15-16h  Reading group (Cultural Memory and social change )

Online event. Link to zoom meeting:

The article will be Erll, A. (2011): Travelling Memory. Parallax 17:4, 4–18., and you can find it here

The chair will be Anne Heimo, Professor of Study of Cultures.



Monday 7th November, 15-16h Cultural memory and social change webinar

Webinar. Link to Zoom meeting:

“What Might It Be Like to Inherit Grief? Cultural and Affectual Intergenerational Iterations” by Astrid Joutseno, Researcher, SELMA, University of Turku. Explorations of Intimacy in Digital Therapy. and Marjo Kolehmainen, Researcher, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS)


10th November, 16-18h  Perspectives on Ukrainian Literature and Culture

Hybrid event. If you are interested in attending the seminar on the campus (ARC229, Arcanum, University of Turku) please register HERE. Deadline for the registration is 7.11.

Link to Zoom meeting: (passcode: 282901)

16.15 Hanna Meretoja: Opening words
16.20-16.40 Tereza Chlaňová: “The Outline of Contemporary Ukrainian Literature”
16.40-17.00 Natalya Bekhta: “Writers, Saviours and Baboons: A few observations on contemporary Ukrainian fiction”
17.00-17.20 Eliash Strongowski: “How to be a European refugee: Publishing Books During War”
17.20-17.40 Jenniliisa Salminen ja Viola Parente-Čapková: “Ajan kohina magazine: Special issue on Ukrainian literature and Ukraine in literature”
17.40-18.00 Discussion
18-19 Reception


Keskiviikko 16.11.2022 klo 18 Hoitava lukeminen Sammakon kirjakaupassa
Tervetuloa Juhani Ihanuksen ja Päivi Kososen toimittaman kirjan “Hoitava lukeminen” julkkareihin Turkuun, Sammakon kirjakauppaan keskiviikkona 16.11. kello 18.
Monitieteinen kirja avaa käytännöllisiä ja kriittisesti pohtivia näköaloja lukemisen terapeuttiseen tai hoitavaan vaikutukseen. Kaunokirjallisuus saattaa lukijan pohtimaan syvällisiä kysymyksiä, kuten ”Kuka minä olen?” tai ”Mikä minusta tulee”. 
Ohjelmassa on kirjan esittelyä (Päivi Kosonen) sekä paneelikeskustelu lukemisen hoitavuudesta. Paneelikeskustelun juontaa Johanna Matero ja ja siinä on mukana kirjan kirjoittajia, muun muassa Laura Karttunen, Eevastiina Kinnunen ja Hanna Meretoja.
Tilaisuudessa on pientä tarjoilua.
Lämpimästi tervetuloa!


Monday, December 5 12.15/14.15–16.00 Intersectional Reading, Social Justice, and Literary Activism (INTERACT)

ARC 270 and on Zoom:

How to read intersectionally?

Originating from the long tradition of Black feminist social movements and literature, Intersectionality today is a research tool that conceptualizes multiple, relational and complex workings of power connected to factors that are relevant to our socio-cultural experience. Intersectionality analyzes how those factors locate people differently in our social and cultural reality. Our project examines the ways literary studies might enable Intersectionality’s potential in understanding and unraveling those situated differences.

While intersectionality is not originally a literary theory, we suggest that reading may also be done intersectionally. The act of interpretation can be an intersectional process opening up new horizons for literary texts. In this seminar we explore the ways of reading intersectionally.

12.15-16.00 For students attending the course Reading and Reception Studies.
14.00 Everybody welcome: Please join us in Arc 270 or on Zoom


Pre-seminar for enrolled students

12.15-13.45 Intersectional reading workshop and discussion: “Reading with Maryse Condé,” with Kaiju Harinen and Marta-Laura Cenedese


14.15 Liisa Merivuori (UTU): Intersectionally reading the overlapping traumas in Herta Müller’s Atemschaukel

14.45 Anna-Leena Toivanen (UEF): Afroeuropean mobilities of the ‘African gigolo’: Intersectional reading of Simon Njami’s African gigolo and Fabienne Kanor’s Faire l’aventure.

15.15 Anna Rastas (TUNI): How can an intersectional perspective broaden our understanding of Rosa Clay’s life – and the meanings of the different representations of this historical figure?


Visit the project website HERE.


Keskiviikko 7.12.2022 klo 12-16 Neuvostoliitto muistoissa ja mielikuvissa -seminaari (IN FINNISH)

Aika: ke 7.12.2022 klo 12–16
Paikka: Turun yliopisto, Arcanum, Luoma-tila (1. krs)
Etäyhteys: (passcode ilmoittautuneille)

Anna Helteen ja Pia Koivusen toimittaman Neuvostoliitto muistoissa ja mielikuvissa -kirjan (SKS, 2022) ilmestymistä juhlistetaan seminaarissa, jonka esitelmät perustuvat kirjan lukuihin. Kirjassa tutkitaan Neuvostoliittoon liittyviä muistoja ja mielikuvia kulttuurisen muistitutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Seminaari on kaikille avoin, ja sitä voi seurata myös etäyhteyksien päästä. Opiskelijat voivat osallistua halutessaan myös luentopassilla.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma:

12.15 Anna Helle ja Pia Koivunen: Seminaarin avaus. Kulttuurinen muistitutkimus ja Neuvostoliitto
12.45 Anna Laakkonen: Suomenkielinen neuvostolehdistö mielikuvien muokkaajana. Tapaus Punainen Karjala
13.15 Silja Pitkänen: Miten neuvostovalokuvat muistavat?
13.45 Anna Helle: Inkerinsuomalaisten muistaminen suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Konkan perheen tapaus

14.15-14.45 kahvi/kuohuviinitarjoilu

14.45 Riikka Taavetti: “Se ei riipu hallintomallista”? Neuvosto-Viro suomalaisessa populaarikulttuurissa 1980-luvulta 2020-luvulle
15.15 Hannu Salmi: Punakone ja neuvostoliittolaisen jääkiekon muisto
15.45 Pia Koivunen: Neuvostoliiton toiveikkaat kasvot

Ilmoittauduthan 5.12. klo 16 mennessä osoitteeseen (tarjoilujen määrän arvioimiseksi ja zoom-salasanan lähettämiseksi). Kerrothan ilmoittautuessasi, tuletko paikalle vai seuraatko etänä.

Kirjan open access -versiota voi lukea ilmaiseksi SKS:n sivuilla osoitteessa

Kirjan aiheesta voi lukea myös SKS:n Vähäisiä lisiä -blogista:

Lisätietoja: Anna Helle,


Torstai 8.12.2022 klo 16–18 Sukupuolihistorian uudet avaukset ja haasteet 2020-luvulla (IN FINNISH)

Calonia 2, Turun yliopisto. Järjestäjät: Kulttuurihistorian oppiaine ja SELMA-keskus.
Zoom-linkki tapahtumaan:

Naishistoria rantautui Suomeen muiden niin kutsuttujen uusien historioiden kanssa 1970-luvulla, minkä jälkeen tutkimusala on kehittynyt rinnakkain yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun ja siinä tapahtuneiden muutosten kanssa. Nykyisin sukupuolihistorian nimellä kulkeva tutkimusala huomioi paitsi naisten historian myös ihmisten eriarvoisuutta tuottavien risteävien erojen moninaisuuden. Nais- ja sukupuolihistorian kenttä on ollut myös keskeinen elämäkertatutkimuksen uudistaja viime vuosikymmeninä.

Paneelikeskustelun tavoitteena on avata niin traditioita kuin tämän hetken uusia avauksia ja polttavia kysymyksiä. Lisäksi se kokoaa yhteen kulttuurihistorian Lähestymistapoja sukupuoleen ja yksilön elämästä kertomiseen -kurssilla käsiteltyjä teemoja. Panelistit edustavat nais-, sukupuoli- ja queer-historian eri sukupolvia.

Paneelin järjestävät kulttuurihistorian oppiaine, Sukupuoli, kirjoittaminen ja tekstuaalisuus -tutkimusryhmä ja SELMA-tutkimuskeskus. Se on avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille!

Paneelin osallistujat:

Kulttuurihistorian maisteriopiskelija Tiina Tiilikainen (TY)

Kulttuurihistorian väitöskirjatutkija Sari Hartikainen (TY)

Kulttuurihistorian dosentti Kirsi Tuohela (TY)

Sukupuolentutkimuksen yliopistonlehtori Riikka Taavetti

Suomen ja Pohjoismaiden historian apulaisprofessori Anu Lahtinen (HY)

Paneelin vetävät kurssin vastuuopettajat:

Dosentti, kollegiumtutkija (Turku Institute for Advanced Studies) Heidi Kurvinen

Kulttuurihistorian professori (ma.) Maarit Leskelä-Kärki

Kulttuurihistorian väitöskirjatutkija Karoliina Sjö