SELMA’s Autumn 2017 programme

You are warmly welcome to attend SELMAs seminars, workshops and other events – information will be updated and you will find the most updated programme here

SELMAs panel Travelling texts at Aboagora in June 2016

Thu 7.9. at 2 pm, Minerva, Art History seminar room E221 (Univ. of Turku Sirkkala campus)
Lecture: Dr. Nena Mocnik (TIAS, SELMA; Turun yliopisto): “I will not raise my child to kill your child.” Motherhood, collective memory and the continuum of sexual violence in the aftermath of war

The lecture focuses on the questions of collective trauma in war-rape survivors’ families and its impact to reconciliation processes in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina. The initial premise is built on the current marginalized socio-political status of women survivors, now-mothers, and investigates how their testifying, or sharing their violent past through their storytelling might impact the ideas, perceptions, behavioral patterns and understanding of gender-based violence, cultural scripts of sexuality and violence among descendants and how this furthermore affects also unsuccessful reconciliation and peace-building in the region.

Ti 26.9.2017 klo 17-18.30, Turun kaupunginkirjaston pääkirjaston tietotori

Turun filharmonisen orkesterin Change2017-sarjaan kuuluva luento:

Trauma, muisti ja taide – kohtaamisen tiloja. Satyagraha


Vapaa pääsy

Akhlad Al-Mudhafar, runoilija
Aziza Hossaini, ohjaaja-käsikirjoittaja
Päivi Kosonen, kirjallisuustieteen dosentti, kirjallisuusterapeutti
Maarit Leskelä-Kärki, kulttuurihistorioitsija, dosentti
Hanna Meretoja, yleisen kirjallisuustieteen professori
Laura Sillanpää, nukketeatteritaiteilija, sanataiteilija

Tue 17.10. at 11am – 16pm (Sirkkala campus, location TBA)
Hannah Arendt Workshop

The workshop will explore Hannah Arendt and her thinking particularly from the perspective of life narratives. The day will consist of a lecture by professor Maria Tamboukou (University of East London) and other presentations by scholars working with Arendt. Further information will be updated during September.

Maria Tamboukous lecture is entitled ‘Who are you?’: narrative traces of uniqueness and plurality

Extra reading for the workshop (related to Tamboukou’s lecture in particular):

  • Kristeva Julia: ‘Life is a Narrative’. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.
  • Arendt 1968: Men in Dark Times. New York: Harvest Books (the preface and the section on Rosa Luxemburg and Isak Dinesen are particularly relevant)

1.11. Tutkimustapaaminen yhteistyössä sosiaalitieteiden laitoksella toimivan “Kulttuuri ja vuorovaikutus” -tutkimusverkoston (KULTVA) ja Kulttuurin ja terveyden tutkimusyksikön (KTT) kanssa. Yhteisen seminaarin aiheena on kokemus ja kerronta.

Fri 17.11. 12 pm
Workshop: Historical Imagination, Futurity and Narrative Form

Dr. Kaisa Kaakinen (Comparative Literature, University of Turku): “Historical Biographies and Relational Imagination in Contemporary Literature”

Dr. Natalya Bekhta (Comparative Literature, University of Helsinki): “Imagining Alternative Futures: Ghosts and Saviours in Post-Soviet Fiction”

Round-table discussion:
After their individual lectures, Kaisa Kaakinen and Natalya Bekhta will discuss current methodological challenges in the comparative analysis of literary form and cultural imaginaries. The following topics will be addressed in the discussion, in dialogue with the questions from the audience: how historical narration and memorial forms intersect in literary narratives with emerging ways to imagine the future, how we should take into account both local and global contexts of literary production and reception in the age of globalization, and how we should respond to challenges of scale and (semi-)periphery in comparative studies.